30+ FREE Swimwear Sewing Patterns: Summer’s Coming!

Swimwear Sewing PatternsAre You Ready for Summer?

Summer's on the way and for many people, that means swimming pools and going to the beach.  It's sometimes hard to find the exact bathing suit you want off the rack, so why not have a go at making your own?

I was thinking the other day about how quickly spring is ending and summer is approaching.  As most readers know, I like making my own clothes.  I have in mind to make a couple of new bathing suits to make sure I'm well prepared.  So I set about to collect the best designs I could find on the internet.  I also found a few good ones for men and children as well and I want to share the whole list of free swimwear sewing patterns with you.

swimwear sewing patternsGet Ready For Those Long Summer Beach Days

While making your own swimwear presents a wonderful opportunity to make exactly the shape, size and fit you want, sewing with swimwear fabrics requires some practice.  We collected a list of practical tips for sewing swimwear that we think might be some help.  Be sure to review this article before beginning your project.

Sewing Swimwear: Six Practical Tips for Your Next Project

30+ Free Swimwear Sewing Patterns

While not technically swimwear, we did a fun project a while ago for the Ultimate Beach Blanket which would be a great accessory for your new swimwear.  What not give it a try?

The Ultimate Beach Blanket

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The one titled “swimwear style” with the yellow swimsuit leads to a 404 error page for me, I think it must’ve been removed from their website


[…] a solution since you can make your own swimwear.  Don’t worry, you won't be the first one to DIY swimwear.  All you need is a good pattern, the right materials and some practice and […]


The Blue and red bikini is not for free. It cost $11.99 ?. In the link you can see a lot of praktical tips and a free pattern for a swimminghat, but you have to click 2 more times to find the pattern for the bikini..

Mayra Cecilia
Noble Member
Reply to  Louise

It was at the time of Printing, but designer change prices after a while, not to worry I will draft a few free bikini patterns for the readers of this blog as soon as I am back from Africa.

Gretchen Thompson
Gretchen Thompson

What a great list. Thanks so much for sharing!