35+ Preemie Baby Sewing Patterns & Projects

preemie baby sewing patternsDo you know someone who just had a preemie baby?

If you do, here's a great way you can help by making some preemie baby clothes for the new mother and baby.  Neary 10% of all babies in the US are born prematurely so it's a pretty common problem and unfortunately, it's becoming more common.

This is a topic that's near and dear to my heart.  My daughter Samantha was a preemie and born 12 weeks early.  That's her picture below.  Thankfully, she's now a strong and athletic 16-year-old, but at the time it was pretty stressful for us all.

At the time, it would have been enormously helpful to have had some appropriately-sized preemie baby clothes.  No one really plans for a preemie baby, so the family is rarely prepared.  All the clothes we had bought for Samantha were way too big.


As the baby progresses, there are a few other things that you might consider sewing.  One of our most popular patterns is the Perfect Baby Burp Cloth.  We also have a terrific baby changing mat pattern, and a crinkle ribbon toy for babies, and even an insulated baby bottle cover that would make great gifts for the new family.

The perfect Baby Burp Cloth pattern

Preemie Baby Sewing Patterns & Projects

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Linda Aker
Linda Aker

The Preemie Project has been closed for more than a year. You still have links to two patterns that had been on our website. – Blanket Sleeper, Snuggle Tubes. I get requests for the patterns every day. I would appreciate it so much if you could remove the pictures (that were originally on our website and used without permission). These patterns are no longer available.


HELP…. The X FRONT shirt with ribbon ties has got me stumped. I sew the sleeves as per directions, but for the love of me, when I get ready for the seams, they seem to end up on the inside. I am making this for my niece who just had a micro Preemie l. Just made the pinafore dress without the buttons, but I’m stuck with the X Front shirt.


Imam goad zi found these patterns as I am making some sleepers for a friend,BUT what seam allowance is used. It does not say on the pattern or the instructions.

Lucy Collins
Lucy Collins

The patterns all seem way too big – even though I’ve printed at 100% – and there are no scale checks on them.


[…] or to a friend, or having a grand child, then these make handy baby shower gifts.  Everyone loves something handmade for baby. It shows such a lot of thought and care, and can be personalised too.  So book mark this page […]

Marie-Ange Desrosiers
Marie-Ange Desrosiers

My Pastor’s wife is expecting twins. They will have to be born early because of problmes with the Mom. The Church ladies are going on a Premie Sewing Spree.

michele dulude
michele dulude

when my 1st grand-daughter was born I used doll’s clothes pattern to dress her. She weighed 5 pounds at 37 weeks of pregnancy.

judie roberts
judie roberts

These are wonderful. I wish that they had been available when my granddaughter was born at 23 weeks and weighed 1lb 9 oz. 700g. I used Tiny Tears doll patterns with loads of press studs to allow all the drips and wires. She is 24 now and a big strong woman.

Jullia Mason
Jullia Mason

When I was pregnant with my oldest son, I could have used these patterns. My son was not a premature baby but he had a preemie baby weight. He was born weighing 3 lbs, 7 1/2 ozs . But he was not premature because he could maintain his own body temperature.


JoAnn, perhaps WHWB=warm hearts warm babies…the site from which the pattern originates?

kathleen andrews
kathleen andrews

I belong to a group called SAGA. We keep the traditions of smocking and heirloom sewing alive and well. Our most important charity is WeeCare. Every baby and their families deserve at least one beautiful outfit no matter how tiny they may be. Working with neonatal units, we provide beautiful items for these families. I am sure some of these patterns can be adapted and used for these Wee ones. Thank you.

JoAnn Ridenour
JoAnn Ridenour

What does WHWB’s stand for in step 10 of the preemie romper construction?

Reply to  So Sew Easy

She’s talking about the boys shortalls. The term WHWB is new to me also. It’s referring to snaps instead of buttons but not sure what it means.

Linda L.
Linda L.
Reply to  JoAnn Ridenour

WHWB stands for Warm Hearts, Warm Babies who are the folks in Colorado that created a lot of these patterns. They are a volunteer group and would be grateful for any donations of finished items or money. Their story’s at http://warmheartswarmbabies.org/caring-for-colorados-tiniest-citizens.

Jenny Wilson
Jenny Wilson

Thank you so much for this wonderful collection of preemie patterns. My daughter’s daughter was just born a few weeks early so I may try one of these.