I was fortunate, learning to sew at school – it was one of the few lessons I took to but that's a rather long time ago now. The course “40 Techniques every sewer should know” on Bluprint is great!! Divided into seven sections covering:
- Pressing,
- Stitching,
- Curves and Corners,
- Interfacing Tips,
- Beautiful Bindings,
- Getting Closure
Each section covers a variety of tips. The division of the class into sections means you can easily refer back to subjects to refresh your memory. There is something for everyone in this course.
Pressing Matters – This class has changed my relationship to my iron. Gail has converted me!!! A good press with the right tools improves the quality of the finished garment, within three minutes of the class starting I had learnt the value of pressing rolls.
Stitch Perfect – Don't you just hate wobbly top stitching?! Learn to use any foot with a guide (the guide is a little blade which rides along the edge of the fabric). I have discovered that my machine came with a blind hem foot which I can utilize for topstitching.
Curves and corners – Naturally the course has tips I am familiar with such as clipping to ease curved seams but I am delighted to learn how to grade a seam allowance. I will be investing in a quality pair of pinking shears.
Interfacing Tips– This class introduces you to the idea of whole garment interfacing. If you do this it cuts down the creases in the finished document – as a result, I am amazed to learn that Gail pulls out of her suitcase a fully interfaced garment and just puts it on!! This technique must be worth trying:)
Beautiful Bindings – As someone who loves to wear knit clothes (no ironing!) learning to sew knit fabrics is important to me. Learning how to produce good necklines in knit fabrics is extremely helpful, this is a lesson I will be watching again and again! The tips on making and sewing bias binding are not only useful for dressmaking but also for quilting.
Sleeves made Simple – Again another really helpful class, I will no longer be intimidated by sleeves. Gail explains set in sleeves and flat press sleeves, watching a video really helps see how to do this easily.
Getting closure – I love this class, Gail has transformed my relationship with installing zippers – although I had read about using Wondertape seeing it used has convinced me this is the way to go for zips!! The those of you more advanced than myself Gail covers a variety of buttonholes including bound buttonholes – don't they look fab?
If you have any queries as you watch use the Bluprint Platform, it's a friendly supportive space where your query will be answered quickly by fellow classmates or Gail:)
The class is a great value – you are not paying for long introductions (a pet hate of mine!), the videos start straight in packed full of information. Gail demonstrates her tips clearly, she is a delight to watch. I love the fact that as with all Bluprint classes you can watch it as many times as you like. Go on treat yourself, you won't regret it!
Add this class to your wishlist – and fingers crossed for a good sale for Black Friday.
Learn these essential techniques for better sewing. Something for everyone in this class from beginners to more advanced. You'll long for perfect results like Gail, and with practice, and these tips, you can do it!

I’m Vicky from vickymyerscreations. I learnt to sew through school, and was blessed as a child to have adults who nurtured my creativity. I love sewing, for others and for myself, and exploring other textile related crafts. See more on twitter, facebook and pinterest.
For people looking for this website (40 techniques) – the link currently goes to another of Maya’s pages. Bluprint (web based classes) went back to being Craftsy Summer of 2000 and you can find this class, on Craftsy for a price. If you have never been on Craftsy, usually you can find discount codes to drop the cost from $79/annual to $10 for the first year. link for the class:https://www.craftsy.com/class/40-techniques-every-sewer-should-know/
Where is this class available?
Great, I’m looking for a litter bag that connects under the sewing machine.
Like this one? https://so-sew-easy.com/easy-serger-scrap-catcher/
We had Gail come and present to our American Sewing Guild Chapter in Milwaukee for a day and she was so knowledgeable. We could have easily done two days. I was the one to pick her up and drop her off at the airport, and talking to her was so much fun. She is a genuinely nice person and easy to talk to.
Thanks for the helpful advice 🙂
How do I enroll am interested?
Click on the link, and it will take you to the class registration. Thank you!
I agree with Iris, I think perhaps it is not so much different than regular bras, just an addition of a prothesis pocket. And too with reconstruction, you are exceptionally lucky if you get an exact match of left and right,
Your article on bra patterns is interesting but I, and I am sure a lot of other women, would be very pleased to see bra patterns for mastectomy bras. These cost the earth at the special shops where you can buy them and patterns for home mades would be terrific.
Ah, that’s something I can’t help with. A very specialist area that I don’t know anything about. Sorry.
I have a daughter that is 5’10″+.
Her waist is 24 not sure on bust.
I am interested in purchasing a dress form I can use for her. Is thete a dress form I can adjust to her size?