Black Friday Sales – where to shop for sewing deals

FeaturedIt's that crazy time of year again, at least for the Americans.  People trampled to death in the streets in the stampede to get the the cheap TVs first.  Or in our case the cheap fabric and sewing deals.

If you are on the So Sew Easy newsletter list, already on its way to you this morning is the Black Friday sale newsletter with some deals for you to check out if you would rather shop online than face the endless queues at the shops.

If you aren't on the mailing list – you should be!  All of the new articles on the site are sent out in a summary every Sunday morning for you to check out and read at your leisure.  Then from time to time, actually very rarely, I'll send out a special email if there is something extra to write about – today, all the best fabric and sewing sales.

So if you aren't on the newsletter list:

1 – go and sign up now! (See that big box at the bottom – put your email address in there.)

2 – check out the web version of the Black Friday sales newsletter HERE

3 – check out the always up to date fabric and sewing coupons and sales database here

Live list of coupons, deals and fabric sales, quilting and sewing shops.

Of course the highlight of the Black Friday sales is the Craftsy ALL Classes for $19.99 or less deal, so if you haven't cleared out your wish list yet, get over there and shop!  You'll have a whole year until a sale like this one again!



Looking to shop for Christmas?  Now is the time to get a bargain.  If you haven't seen it already, take a look at my pick of some interesting and desirable gifts for people who sew in the Holiday Gift Guide.

Holiday Gift Guide - so many deas for lovely gifts for people who sew. Lots of these went on MY wishlist!

That's all I've got time for today – I'm hitting the online sales and getting all the best bargains before they sell out.  I simply NEED more fabric!

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