The Best Bobbin Storage Solutions & Ideas

Brilliant bobbin storage solutions. Some genius ideas here and links to some amazing ones you can by too.

Sitting down for a quiet afternoon of sewing is just the dream, but unraveling yards of thread to find, (and detach) the bobbin you need is probably not what you had in mind! Time to tidy up? Well we're on the case for you. These fabulous blogs shared their bobbin storage ideas with the world and if you're looking for inspiration, I suggest you have a look below and find a solution that works for you.

DIY galore, there's simple storage ideas using elastic bands, and more complex storage drawers and wall hangers. Not got all day to DIY a solution?? Don't worry, there are boxes made to measure you can buy and get sorted in a jiffy.

I just love the creative ways people are storing thread and bobbins! I can't believe how many different ideas there are. I love all the ‘upcycling' too, using things around the home to tidy up bobbins, such as pedicure toe separators, ice cube trays and ring binders – genius!!

Not got time to make something now? Have a quick glance for inspiration, but don't forget to pin it for later… then you have all your genius bobbin storage solutions safe in one place.

Genius DIY bobbin storage ideas

Got the funds? Awesome bobbin storage to buy

I've got one of those stack and store towers on order, coming soon from the US I hope, but there are so many other very cute, very attractive and utterly practical bobbin storage solutions you can try too.  Not in the mood for DIY?  Treat yourself to one of these – Christmas is coming  🙂

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Linda Kriskey
Linda Kriskey

For my bobbins, I like to use clear 1/4″ tubing from the parts store, I cut it into the length of the bobbin & then cut a slice into the tubing so that it will wrap around the bobbin.
Now all my threads stay in place & I can put them where ever I want without all the threads getting tangles.
I used to use scotch tape to tape the tape down, but this is easier. & it costs just pennies.


Great ideas & tons of them! I have a variety of spool types and tons of colors and types of threads so I need to keep mine matched up to save time. I use a pin to pin them together. No, I cannot tell it weakens the thread at all.

Rita McCart
Rita McCart

I use those little floral teflon wine glass tags

Angie Kiker
Angie Kiker

Bobbin Savers. Best idea since sliced bread!


I use extra long golf Ts. I mounted a pre-drilled board onto the wall and now keep the bobbins and spools together by pegging them into the holes. Golf Ts were inexpensive, the section of 2X4 was already laying around in the garage (as were the L brackets) and to doll it up I mounted a vintage yardstick across the face. So now I can use it to measure out ribbons and elastic too!


I used to do what Cynthia does, but found that the bags split after a time. So now they are stored in a special thread and bobbin container that I bought from Craftainers a few years ago. Their website is not working at present, so unfortunately I cannot show you the container. I bought two. They are the best. I can tip the box upside down and the bobbins and threads stay in place on their posts.

Cynthia Ryan
Cynthia Ryan

I use a small zip lock bag to store both the bobbin & the matching thread spool. That way they are always together & never tangled up.


I had my bobbins in the boxes,but wasted so much time finding the one to match the spool I know store both togather.


I use treasury tags


Genius is the word! Great ideas!