This Christmas table runner is a good project for those trying to learn quilting and it is also my way of getting to know my new sewing machine. Many of you have followed my battles with my Juki. Well, those days are over, I'm happy to say, thanks to a birthday present from my husband. I'll tell you more about the new machine in a subsequent post but suffice it to say, the Juki has seen its last days.
But for now, I have decided to make a project that will allow me to get to know the machine while practicing my quilting skills. If you're interested in learning more about quilting, don't miss our article about Beginner Quilting.
This Christmas table runner is a simple design I got from last summer trip to Eastern Europe in the lovely country of Lithuania. I saw the table runner in a shop dedicated to Santa Claus and all things Christmas. The owner of the shop was sewing a table center with a very old mechanical machine. I asked her how she made it and she was very happy to explain. She said it was an old pattern that her grandmother had taught her and so it was a common thing to sew if you are just starting at quilting.
The table runner has three flowers. I have used two different colors of fabric, golden white on one side and red on the other.
The measurement of this Christmas table runner is 41″ X 15″.
- 2 yards of quilting cotton for the primary color
- 2 yards of quilting cotton to contrast
- Light cotton cover polyester thread to match
- Lightweight batting
- 3 cover buttons on white
- Rotary cutter
- Ruler
- Fabric pen (Please read our detailed review of Frixion pens.)
- Sewing machine (optional)
Fabric Recommendations for the Christmas table runner
Pattern Layout
Pattern Download

The FREE sewing pattern along with detailed PDF instructions are available on Payhip.
You can download it FREE there.
How to print the pattern
We do not ask you to download any additional program other than Adobe Reader which is completely FREE.
Use Adobe Reader to download and open the patterns, to print your pattern size, print on Actual Size and Landscape form. Do not scale the pattern.
How to make the Christmas table runner
The table runner is laid out in three parts that I will call flowers. Each flower is composed of 12 petals. Four of the petals are going to be made by sewing the circles together while the other 8 are sewn separately.
Step One: Cutting the pieces
You will have to cut the following amount of pieces:
- 12 round circles in red
- 12 round circles in white
- 12 round circles in light batting
- 24 red petals
- 24 white petals
- 24 light batting petals
Step Two: Assembling the petals and circles
The assembling of the petals and the circles is the same. To expedite this project I suggest you assemble all components before starting to sew them together into the runner.
You will need three pieces per petal shown below.
- Place one piece of batting on the table.
- On top of the batting, place a light color petal print side up.
- Place a red petal print side down on top of the white petal.
- Repeat the same procedure on all 24 petals.
The order of the layers is important as you'll see when we turn the components leaving the batting inside.
The procedure is the same for the circles and you will also need three pieces
Step Three: Assembling and sewing the flowers.
The seam allowance for all pieces is 3/8″ (1cm). Leave a 1.5″ (4 cm) on the circles and 1″ (2.5 to 3cm) gap on the petals to turn print side out.
Trim the seam allowance by half.
Turn print side out and pin and sew using a hand needle and thread close the gap.
You will need 12 circles and 24 petals to make a 3-flower Christmas table runner.
Step Four: How to sew the flowers
The flower is made by sewing together four circles and 8 petals.
Following your pattern, you will see a square in the middle. The square is the stitching line. Transfer the square to the circles with a washable fabric marker or tailor's chalk.
Take two circles red sides together, sew on side of the square. Repeat with all the 12 circles, you should have 6 pairs.
Take two pairs, pin and sew the bottom of the square. Make three clusters of flowers.
White sides together, sew on the red side joining two clusters.
The table runner should look like this.
Add the last cluster the same way as above by joining white sides together and sewing on the red side.
Step Five: Add the petals
Add eight petal for every flower, two on each side. You can sew the petals using a hand needle or your machine. Sew petal leaving space for the other one.
Sew the other petal next to it. Fold back the first petal to be able to sew the next one.
Step Six: Add the cover buttons
I have covered the buttons with the white fabric, but you can choose any other kind of fabric. If you want to learn how to make fabric covered buttons this tutorial is very easy to follow.
I have taken my time with this project because I have a new sewing machine that I need to learn to use and the only way I can do that is by having a reason to use it. It is a very complicated machine and I will be showing you when I unboxed it in a future post.
Until next time! Please feel free to share your comments below!
What size button do you use for the center of the flowers?
3/4″ but you can use 1″ as well.
Do you think this could be easily scaled down? I have a rotary cutter that cuts circles but this pattern is larger than my rotary cutter will cut?
Anything is possible but this are not circles.
I printed this pattern a year ago and bought the fabric and batting. But I didn’t have time to make it before the holidays.
I noticed that a couple of people asked about the fact that the ‘square’ that is inscribed inside the circle isn’t actually a square. But I didn’t see an answer from you, I, too, have different measurements for the sides vs the top and bottom. Is this because it didn’t print out properly or did you mean the measurements to be different? If they are different then I will have to keep track of which way the circles are oriented, Is that what you meant?
Also, my 2″ square is a square but it is slightly smaller than 2″. How do I fix that?
The “square” is not a “square” but stitching lines. When you join the circles together you have already made some of the petals for the flowers. Hope that help.
I understand the circles already include the seam allowance. I, like many would like to know the dimensions of the square in the center….that way I know my circles is the correct size. Also, it sounded like we needed to add a seam allowance to the petals and not the circles…is that correct or does the petals also include the seam allowance? Thanks Kathy
If you download the pattern you will find the parts fit together perfectly if you follow the instruccions. The instructions are free on this site. Enjoy the project:)
I am making one now it’s fun a lot of it can be done sitting as lam 92. I will make more very easy.
HI Dorothy, I have to say the thought of you being 92 years young sitting and making this table runner fills me with happiness, blessed are the hands who make such a gift and hope the recipient understands what honour it is to have such gift from someone who has seen so much. Sending you a big hug!
Ditto Ditto Ditto, can’t add another word you said it all.
Keep on trucking!
From another spring chicken.
Lots of Love
Love the pattern but am more confused after reading the comments/questions — is the solid line the cutting or stitching line?
They are stitching lines, please read Step four it will become much clearer to you.
Step 4 shows stitching on the broken (dashes) line, I am questioning the solid dark line, I am assuming it is the cutting line and then you stitch 3/8 inch for seam before turning. Otherwise, I need to add 3/8 inch beyond the solid dark line for cutting.
Hi Arlene, yes it is the cutting line. The seam allowance is included.
2nd pic up close
I made this as a single flower on the four “circles” since my dining table is small and round. It turned out so pretty! Thank you for sharing this Mayra. I’m also in the process of making two more as hostess gifts for upcoming holiday parties. One tip would be to print the pattern and get an idea of how much fabric you need before you purchase. I only needed a half yard for my “one flower” project, with plenty left for smaller projects too.
You are welcome Vicki, did you know you can add a picture straight from your phone to this comment section. Would really love to have a look at what you have created 🙂
Here is my single-flower project, Mayra. Thanks again for the great pattern and excellent instructions.
Wow! Vicki, that’s fantastic. Well done. Thanks so much for sharing your work.
Beauti. Thanks for sharing. I love to see other finished projects as well.
I’m still confused about the circle. Does it need 3/8″ added to it for the seam allowance? Usually patterns will tell you if you need to do so, I just assumed it was the cutting line. This is a very important piece of information that isn’t in the directions or the pattern.
On step Three is your answer: “The seam allowance for all pieces is 3/8″ (1cm)”
could not get the free pattern to download. could you send it via e-mail?
HI Deb, I do not send pattern by email unless of course, I am inviting you to test it. would you like to be one of hour pattern testers?
I’m very confused as to why this Christmas table runner pattern calls for 2 yards of each fabric. I’ve cut out all the pieces and have about 32 inches of each fabric left! Unless you’re using a directional pattern (and that seems unlikely for this), 1 1/4 yards of each fabric would be more than enough. Since I bought the full amount called for, I spent more than was needed. Fortunately, I really like the fabric – and I can always use the leftovers for another project! I’m really looking forward to completing this project as a gift for my sweet niece for Christmas!
How wide is your fabric? Always print the pattern, I have to err on the cautious side since I only give an estimation on how much fabric you will need. You will be surprised how mad people get if there is not enough fabric. I am glad you liked the fabric and please post a picture of the final project, it is my favorite part, to see the readers finished projects.
This is a must share, 2018 I’ll make this one as one of my Christmas gifts~ Once again thank-you for such great designs and easy instructions~
Hello, what size cover buttons did you use? Thanks
I used 18mm but you can use larger if you want.
I think I figured out that the pattern indicates the cutting line.
So, I printed and cut the pattern out of card stock. I was going to mark the square, when I noticed that the square in the middle of the circle isn’t actually a square. In my print-out the square is 7″ across the top (marked by #1) and the bottom (marked by #3), however the sides of the square are only 6 3/8″ long. The side sections are not as deep as the top and bottom ones.
Is this the way you intended it to be? Is there a reason for the #1 and #3 on the pattern? Did you intend those sides to be sewn to each other? On the sheet that shows how the the circles are supposed to be sewn together, it seems to show slightly larger petals going down the length of the runner and the smaller petals going across the runner.
Is this correct?
BTW, when I measured the 2×2″ square on my printout, it was 1 15/16″ in all directions.
Thanks for answering our questions. It is a beautiful table runner.
HI Karen, yes the line is a guide for stitching. The square is 2″ X 2″. If it is not your will have trouble matching the petals. I am not a quilter and this is my first attempt, it is an easy pattern but it will come clearer to you when you start making the project. If you are not sure just make one flower and see how you find it. Hope that helps.
I downloaded the pattern for the Christmas table runner but I did not receive the PDF for instructions. How do I get that? I love this pattern but really need some instructions.
HI Judy, The instructions are on the site for free. Please have a look, I do not ask you to pay a membership or download anything.
I am wondering whether the pattern indicates the sewing line or the cutting line. I ask this because the markings for the square inside the circle go all he way to the edge of the circle. If there is a 3/8″ seam allowance included in the circle, the lines for the square wouldn’t meet at the corners and there would be a small hole where the 4 circles meet. Your answer to Grace indicates a small gap. Perhaps that’s what you meant.
If that is the case, there would also be a small gap where the 4 white circle join to the 4 circles beside it. There would be no button to cover that gap.
How do you think it would work if I used the pattern as the sewing line?
I’m hoping to make this ASAP as a gift.
HI Karen, yes there will be a small hole, but you need to make sure is as small as possible. The lines are stitching line.
This pattern looks very lovely and I can hardly wait to make it. I do have a question/suggestion. Is it possible for you to make your instructions less lengthy. I really like to read the comments, but most of the time they take up space and are not really relevant to sewing the actual pattern.
In this case, there were 30 pages of instructions. I would like to save ink & paper.
Thanks so much.
I downloaded the Christmas Table Runner pattern but the instructions are not downloaded with the pattern pieces. How can I get the instructions to be included in the download?
Hi Janet, we normally ask readers just to refer to the website for the instructions. Here’s a little trick if you want to print what’s on the website. From a desktop, if you see the sharing buttons on the left side of the screen, click the three dots at the bottom and then choose “printfriendly”. This will create a .pdf of the webpage from which you can easily remove images, ads, or anything that you don’t want to print and then save or print from there. Please give it a try and let me know if you have any issues.
this is GREAT TIP! Thank You so much.
Did you sew completely around the bottom petals?
Happy upcoming Birthday Myra!!! What an awesome Birthday gift! I am sure you will enjoy your new machine.
This table runner is striking! I have to try to make a few of these!
I did have one question. When you join each flower section together are there petals of white on the underside? How does it lay flat?
Wow, this is a beautiful project. I can’t wait to try my hands on. Your blog is my #1 “go to” for techniques and ideas.
Thank you so much for sharing your knowledge and creativity.
Here are my christmas bags i made 3d pin wheel if i can figure it all out i will give instructions on these they are very quick and easy for gift giving
I too just got a new machine i got the singer 7640 it is a great machine, very quiet, and i have already made 3 bags and a quilt on it.. no snags, i actually have to get use to the full power, it deffinetly has power. Thank you Mayra i have dine alot with your posts. Here is picture of the tanlet bag i made my husband i am so proud of.. after reading several of your patterns and instruction.. i have not yet downloaded a pattern, i read yours and make my own for each project.. i would love to give others the pattern and instuction video i am just not sure how to do this.. i also recently made awsome christmas gift bags..
Great project, although not sure I’ll have time to make a Christmas themed runner! Just a quick question, on my printed out pattern I don’t have a perfect square in my circle. The 2″x2″ test square is correct and I have a perfect circle. The ‘square’ measures 16.2 cm x 17.8cm. is this ok?
How can I print or save the instructions.
Hi Betty, we normally ask readers just to refer to the website for the instructions. Here’s a little trick if you want to print what’s on the website. From a desktop, if you see the sharing buttons on the left side of the screen, click the three dots at the bottom and then choose “printfriendly”. This will create a .pdf of the webpage from which you can easily remove images, ads, or anything that you don’t want to print and then save or print from there. Please give it a try and let me know if you have any issues.
Oh, my goodness. So Sew Easy I think I love you. What an awesome little time-saver, its so simple but yet so HUGE. I will think of you guys every time I use it, but I better write it down before I forget what it is and how to do it. LOL
Belated HAPPY BIRTHDAY, Mayra, and congratulations on getting a new machine. Please tell hubby he’s getting thunderous applause and a standing ovation from Southern California, and I encourage him to give you whatever you want.
Excellent, lucid and fascinating article!!! Thank you very much for sharing your wealth AGAIN with such eloquence.
HI Patti, thank you! My birthday is actually coming up, the machine was an early present. It was a very generous gift and one I was wanting to get for a couple of years now. An applause from Southern California is indeed great encouragement:)
(Note! If you SERGE these, you won’t have all the trimming to do~~which, for me, takes as long or longer than the actual sewing!)
Yes, that would be a great alternative. Thank you Peggy!
Can you please share the dimensions of the circle and square?? I want to JUMP on this, but, of course, my printer isn’t cooperating, and I don’t see any measurements on the pattern? Figure I can eyeball the petal shape, though it’s length and width would also be helpful..Thanks so very much! Love this runner–anxious to get started on a couple for Christmas gifts.
(If I sew, I won’t stress so much about getting the house decent and cleaned up for Thanksgiving!!!!!!!!!!!)
Where can I find out about your new sewing machine? I’m probably going to have to get a new one soon.
I will be making a video about it. Thanks for you interest.
I would like to buy this pattern the Poinsettia table runner I can download it free which is fine but I don’t have a printer to print it up how can I get this pattern
Hi Mary, you can save the pattern in a thumb drive and have it printed at your local print shop or public library. it will not cost you much since it is only 3 pages.
Love this! Thanks for sharing!
Love this table runner and plan on making one. Thank you so much for sharing this beautiful pattern.
I am missing something. Does the red side just have the cathedral looking seams left open?
Hi Grace, I am afraid I do not understand your question, what is a cathedral seam. In the middle of the flower, there will be a small gap, yes. There is where you sew a fabric covered button.
Lovely table runner! Looks like a fun, quick project. Thanks.
It is Estele, Enjoy!
Very pretty and actually seems fairly simple. I will be unboxing a new machine this week and I need a gift for a Ladies Christmas party… Brilliant!!! Thank you so much for sharing. =)
You are welcome! What machine did you go for?
A SINGER 4423 Heavy Duty Model Sewing Machine. Its got simple functions and is easy to use (just completed a quilt for my nephew) but a lot more power for going thru multiple layers of fabrics without stalling.
and a second closer view
A lovely Christmas project – thank you – I can’t wait to try this table runner pattern
Wonderful and detailed instructions. Thank you, thank you. I look forward to a very rewarding experience.
WOW!! For beginners? This is the first time I have ever been tempted to make a table runner. I am moving to a new house and will be able to dedicate one room to sewing, crafts and all their supplies. I want to make one about two-thirds size for the top of a dresser I use for craft supplies; 3 slightly smaller single flowers for the top of the sideboard where I store fabric and maybe a single flower for the top of a glass-topped end table I use as a light box and maybe another for the floor of the light box. I will use a common background fabric but make the flowers in different colours, probably Christmas fabric because they are so vibrant.
I haven’t been able to sew for more than a year so my sewing room will be a priority. Thank you for such an interesting design.
ALL the time I am reading your comment, I am trying to picture your sewing room. Your space sounds like it was worth the wait. Love a pick at it.
In step 3, the seam allowance is 3/8″ but you say to leave 1.5″ (4 cm) on the circles and 1” (2.5 to 3 cm) on the petals to turn right side out. I’m confused. would you clarify this for me? Thanks
Sure Carolyn, it means when you sew the pieces together (three layers) You need to leave a space open to be able to turn it, Or you can do as Peggy suggested and use your overlocker instead
Ah-Ha! Peggy again. Guess what? When I suggested serging, I still meant following pattern instructions and turning the leaves, etc. You introduced an even FASTER option, Mayra~~just serge the outside edges! Let’s you forget the turning and hand stitching the openings closed in its’ entirety!! The reference/question above to cathedral seams refers to a quilting technique/pattern called “Cathedral Windows”. This is a version/variation of Cathedral Windows.
Any chance I might get the circle/square dimensions? Thanks again!
Wish the pattern could be mailed to me . Don’t have good luck with getting them from the download page. Please let me know if it’s possible to receive it by mail. I’d be willing to pay for the cost of mailing it .
Hi Darlene, this is one of my 2018 goals, to be able to send you the pattern by mail. I will update you when this is possible. Kind Regards, Mayra