Well what a month it was! If you took advantage of the Craftsy All-Access Pass for October, how are you doing? Are your eyes bleeding from watching all those videos? Did you stay up late every night to make sure you didn't miss a thing and then oversleep? How has your sewing knowledge expanded? Did you get to see and watch everything you wanted?
For me it was epic! I had friends staying so didn't get to watch nearly as much as I really wanted, but I made great use of the 1.5x speed feature and was able to preview a lot of the classes I had on my wishlist.
It was such a useful thing to be able to do, because I was then able to shortlist those classes that I really want to give my full attention to when I get the time, and keep them on my wishlist, but at the same time, I was also able to see what wasn't really suitable. So in the end I saved money by not buying classes that weren't right for me.
You know that I sew a lot of clothes and bags, and have only ever done a couple of small quilts, but I really love how quilts look and want to know more. So I had all these quilting classes in my wishlist that look so dreamy. Using the All-Access feature I was able to preview so many of the quilting lessons and quickly determine that many of them were far too advanced for me, I really only know the very basics and need to start with the beginner lessons first even if those amazing complicated quilts are what my heart really desires.
Anyway, if I suddenly got the quilting bug and spent hours sewing tiny pieces of fabric together I would never have the time to write any articles for this site or create any more free sewing patterns – best to leave my quilting dreams for another time… I've been putting together a Pinterest Board of gorgeous Ocean Quilts and will hope to see something at least vaguely like one of these in my sewing future.
Follow Deby at So Sew Easy's board Ocean quilts on Pinterest.
So sort out your wishlist, get all the classes in there that you want to have permanent access to. The last day to preview all the classes you are interested in is today and I have heard from my secret inside source at Craftsy that they aren't planning to go to any kind of a subscription service any time soon – this was just a one off. Because guess what's coming up!
Yes BLACK FRIDAY – the traditional day for stampedes and knife-fights in the stores over the latest flat screen TV or phone. The holiday and shopping season will soon be upon us and traditionally Craftsy has their best sale of the year starting on or just before Black Friday – 27th November.
We may be seeing such deals as all classes at $19.99 or less. Or maybe even better? Fingers crossed. So once your all-access pass expires make sure to get all of your favorite classes into your wishlist ready for the best Craftsy Classes sale of the year. At least we know the classes aren't going to sell out. See you there!
And remember, if you do enjoy the content here at So Sew Easy and would like to support the site and keep more free sewing patterns coming each month, please buy your Craftsy classes by clicking through to Craftsy from a banner or link on the site first. It would be very much appreciated. Thank you.
Get your Craftsy class supplies and classes from
or just hop on over there now and keep on watching until the month runs out. Just a few hours left…
Has Craftsy repeated anything similar since?
No they haven’t! No plans to bring this back as far as I know.
Wow! I certainly did use it. And I wouldn’t have known about it without you! Somehow I missed it in my emails from Craftsy, so thanks. You are worth your weight in gold for all your tutorials, patterns, reviews of tools, equipment and inspiration. Thanks!
Noooo! I signed up but then had two new grandsons three weeks apart, so watched only a teeny bit. Maybe they’ll do it again? Thanks Deby.
There is a 2-day sale on right now for all classes at $19.99 each, so perhaps you could treat yourself. And congratulations on the new arrivals.
LOL Yes, I absolutely used my pass and (perhaps) watched too many videos!! What a fabulous time I had – probably good they capped it at the end of October or I’d still be watching – and not doing my Christmas sewing/quilting that I need to do!!
I, too, wish I had thought of watching at 1.5 speed, particularly those classes on familiar subjects that I just want to pick up a new tip or two. I am so glad that you posted the All-Access Class because I would have missed several days of viewing before I got a heads up from other sites. I am also glad that you pointed out that it helps you if we sign up for classes through you. I am happy to do so in the future. I wish I had known last night before I bought two then. I will pop over to your site the many times in the future I purchase a class. I am a Craftsy junkie and proud of it and all I have learned … even after almost 50 yrs of sewing. Thanks also Deby for your patterns and your blog. I am amazed at your skill for no longer than you have been sewing. Keep up the good work!
Wish I’d though to watch at faster speed. However, I did get to watch all on my wishlist and several more that were actually better. Admittedly I was doing other stuff while I was watching, but still got a great idea of which classes will be on my list now. Thank you so much for the heads up about the offer
Thank you so much for the nod about the access pass Deby, I had a whale of a time browsing a couple of dozen classes and, like many other sewing ‘passionades’. have added loads to my wishlist as well as deciding to delete some that were already there. I’ve just bought two lessons that were reduced in this morning’s sale with plenty more to consider if the price is right later in the month….appreciated your tip about Black Friday, – it’s not something in my calendar yet. …You are a real gem!
Now to get down to Christmas gift, clothes and quilt-making — and finding my cutting mat under all those class material print-outs!
Happy sewing! Joy.
Like everyone here I thank you so much for sharing this access to Craftsy. My brain is in overload with all the new knowledge I’ve picked up. Some of the instructors are so down to earth in their methods you almost felt they were sitting beside you, whilst others you instinctively knew were not what you were looking for. Anyway time to put some ideas in action !! Thank you again
Carol [UK]
Thank you Deby for sharing the info about the All-Access Pass! I was definitely in overload mode, but it was great! I found classes and instructors I really liked and learned a lot from and others I was able to eliminate. I took tons of notes (hope I can decifer them later) and now have a generous wishlist.
Thanks very much for alerting us of the access.It was a very challenging month. because I tried to watch all the classes that I fancied. My knowledge of sewing as expanded, as I learnt from or reinforced my sewing skills by watching these videos.My wishlist have changed because some classes were not what I expected, Now I will just wait for my Thanksgiving gift from Craftsy
Debbie you are doing a fantastic job, keep it up
Thank you for alerting us to this offer. I too watched a lot of classes and gained some new skills. It was an enjoyable month! Tell Craftsy thanks from me!
Thank you so much for sharing the Access Pass information. Being able to preview videos helped me decide which to purchase. Made a purchase today and have several on my wish list for next sale. Your new pot holder tutorial is great. Gotta go sew….
As of this morning when I finished sorting through my wish list, I am in Cracksy rehab. Most of the classes I had on my wish list turned out to be duds, but I found some hidden treasures that are now high up on my “must buy ASAP” list. I can shop the sales with confidence in a few weeks.
And now if the world will excuse me, I think I’m overdue for a shower and clean dishes.
hahaha! Deby you’re a hoot! That’s about how my eyes feel. I didn’t realize there was a “more” section on the craftsy page until the pass. I found a few classes there that I found were very helpful. I’m a multi-crafty-type of gal. I switch from craft to craft when one frustrates or bores me(temporarily of course). So I found a few quilting, knitting, embroidery, painting, stamping, crocheting, drawing, photography, cooking, even woodworking classes. The pass helped me sort out classes I’d never take, classes that have to wait because they’re too advanced or require equipment I don’t have. My wishlist is now twice as long! Craftsy definitely needs to bring on the sales so I can empty my wishlist….again ….hahaha i really do love the eyes!
Holy cow Sister! You totally described! Except in just one area, I had costumes to make and that kept me from watching more classes. It was AMAZING and my mind is spinning with all the new ‘knowledge’! I’m looking forward to the sale for sure. Thank you for this article, it was right on the mark!!
Can’t believe I missed out on this!
Thanks to you and your blog I bought the all access pass early in the month. I love the Craftsy platform and enjoyed all the classes I had a look at, some more than others, so it will definitely be a money saver in the future.
Deby, I understand what you mean about quilts taking time. I like sewing clothes and small things like bags and pot holders, etc. because they can be completed in 1-2 days, maybe 4 at the most, where a quilt takes me WEEKS!
I would suggest trying one of the free BOM classes on craftsy. If you make one block per month, or maybe two per month (from a past year), it gives you a feeling of completing the project or that portion of the project, and then after 6 months or a year you’ll have a completed quilt!
Let me add my thanks, Deby. I had a great time, just bought one of the classes I was watching and added two to my wishlist. It really was great to preview the classes I was interested in – I also found that some weren’t right for me and saved some money.
I enjoy your website so much! Thank you for all the work you do to share your love of sewing with us! I also enjoy the Craftsy classes so much!!! And appreciate their all access pass for the month. It was great! I’m going to try my hand at knitting socks.
I watched as many as I could, often 7 or 8 in one day, and downloaded the class materials for many of them. At one point I had over 180 classes (including the 61 already in my permanent library) I am primarily a quilter/sewist but I used this opportunity to learn to crochet, make Mexican Street Food, Vietnamese Pho, Flavorful Soups, Meringues and more. Many classes that I had wish-listed I discovered are not really what I want to spend my time learning, while others I had never considered before became new favorites. In addition, I was introduced to new artists and delighted to see some of them offering patterns in Craftsy’s pattern department. I admit I was bereaved this morning when all my new abundance was gone, yet I am very grateful to Craftsy for offering this. I generally purchase at least one Craftsy class, sometimes two each month. Now my wish list has tripled in size and expanded into new areas. Thank you for alerting me to this program and for your consistently valuable (content rich) newsletter.
I loved it. Thank you so much! I’ll have to be content to watch the classes that I own while I suffer withdrawal!
I finished watching the tailoring classes by Angela Wolfe yesterday. I’ve been doing alterations for over 25 years and learned some new things. Many times I found myself laughing because her thought process was exactly like mine. I watched almost everything at 2x speed.
I must have watched over 10 classes – all at 1.5! I watched lots of sewing classes, of course, but also some courses on photography, which were brilliant! I, too, found out about the offer from you – thanks so much!!! 🙂
I loved it. Thanks to you, I was able to take advantage of the offer. Don’t know what happened to my notice. THE SHOCKER. I went to purchase a class this morning, and my cart had 17 classes in it totaling almost $400! Lol Good thing I was paying attention. I even moved some of mine up to 2x. It gave me a great opportunity to see which ones were worth the money. Of course, the advanced class by Janet Prey was #1 for me.
I learned about the all-access pass from you so thank you very much! It was great to be able to audit so many classes. A few of my favorites are classes I looked past before but now they are at the top of my wish list. I have to say that I got spoiled by the 1.5 speed and found myself looking for that option while watching some youTube tutorials. Thanks again for keeping us informed.
I’ve been doing the same, wishing I could speed up You Tube. Glad I’m not the only one.
I learned about the All Access Pass Crafty here. And I thank you. I learned many things and some courses have disappointed me. Glad not to have paid for it. And indeed, some courses are now on my wishlist. A big thank you for your generosity.
Wow, the access pass was fantastic! Thanks so much for the early Christmas present. 🙂
I watched several classes all the way through, and sampled many more across many genres.
The sewing classes I liked best, and will probably buy later were:
Sew Better, Sew Faster
Tailoring Ready to Wear
and Sewing Bras: Construction and Fit.
Thanks so much, Deby!
I had the best time!!!! It was great to watch so many different and amazing teachers and get their techniques on how to do things from sewing faster to couture techniques. What a great opportunity! Thanks for alerting us to the offer at the beginning of the month!
What the heck? How did I miss the all access pass?!! Arg!!
I’m still trying to binge watch all I can today. I have definitely found some that I will purchase later. It was a great preview!! Thanks again for making us aware that this was available.
Thanks for tipping us off to the All Access Pass. Like you I was able to determine a few classes I thought I wanted to take weren’t for me but I was also able to pinpoint the ones I think will be worthwhile. I too watched at 1.5 and even 2.0 speed some of the time. The first week, I just wanted to stay home from work and watch Craftsy Classes 24/7. I j wish I had more time to watch but I need to work to afford my hobby.
That picture! ha ha! I loved having access to all of the classes this month. My favorite was Snazzy Stitched Portraits. I made my self-portrait avitar and I love it. I also watched Design Your Own Handbag which was great.