Great Gifts to Sew Roundup: Something For Everyone

gifts to sewThere’s no better feeling than making a friend or family member’s day.  It's wonderful to see them smile and give you a great big hug of thanks. It’s such a delight being able to use my sewing craft to make gifts for my friends and make them feel special.  It's even better to give them something useful that they can always remember me by.

So Many Gifts to Sew

There are so many nifty little accessories and gifts to sew which require only an afternoon or even a couple of hours to make.  These are things you’d struggle to find for sale in a fabric of your choice or things that would simply be too expensive to buy ready made.

gifts to sewWe’ve published a number of fun accessory projects on the site that make great gifts to sew –everything from Shopping Bags to Fabric Covered Buttons.  I thought it a good idea to put them all in one place so you can easily pick a project when you’ve got an extra few hours on your hands or when you’ve got a last minute birthday present you need to come up with for a loved one.  Plus I’ve thrown some extra cool ideas that I’ve spotted on the web in for the mix.

Besides giving accessories you’ve made as gifts, there are a few items you may not have thought of or seen in a store, but you simply cannot deny their usefulness…consider the Phone Charger Holder next time you have to walk past every power outlet in the house in order to locate your charger.  Beat the mess with a Serger Scrap Catcher to help you streamline your project time, our stunning Expanding Nautical Tote Bag for the summer months or our Stylish Zipper Tote with plenty pockets to help you stay organized?

gifts to sewHow about using that spare 15 minutes to make yourself a Headband out of off-cut fabric that you would otherwise have thrown away? Change things up a bit by using your offcuts to make a Beaded Necklace…the options of gifts to sew are endless!

May the barbecue and baking force be strong with you when you wear our DIY Droid or Darth Vader Aprons or give yourself a break and keep things simple with our Minimalist Wallet pattern. The list of gifts to sew quite simply goes on and on!

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[…] it with some bright Spring sewing ideas.  It's the perfect time of year to sew something colorful, sew for gifts and for children or sew something bright to decorate your […]


I am making the aprons now for my son who is a Star Wars nerd.

So Sew Easy
Active Member
Reply to  mamasews

May the force be with you!

Yvonne Jinks
Yvonne Jinks

What a terrific list of fun things to make. Thank you


Wow what a list to choose from, thank you so much. One could send it to family and friends and let them take their pick(s).
My favourite is the nautical bag. Anyway, thank you so much for all those patterns.
Regards, Andrea