I've had a few questions sent to me recently by new readers asking how they can ‘follow' the site, or how they can find the Facebook page, do I have a Pinterest account etc. Sometimes I just take it for granted you all know how to find the social media sites by now, but if you are new to the site, it's often not that obvious.
So here is a quick round up of the various places you can follow along. Obviously you don't have to follow them all, just the venues you would be likely to use most often and whatever is the best way for you to keep in touch with all the new content.
Firstly it can help if you know your way around the site and what to look out for. Check out this earlier article about the site navigation and how to find the best pages for free patterns and tutorials, video etc.
Social media buttons
Up at the very top right of the site you will see some social media buttons. These are:
- Facebook – takes you to our sewing chat group
- YouTube
- Emails
There is a newsletter once a week, on Sunday morning, which contains a brief summary of all of the new articles published that week. Then if you see an article you'd like to read more about, click the link in the newsletter and it will bring you right over here to read, follow a project or download the latest free pattern.
Sign up at the bright pink box over there on the right in the sidebar, or there may also be a pop-up box that displays when you leave the site, reminding you to sign up for the newsletter if you aren't already a member.
You'll be in good company, there are more than 35,000 readers receiving the email every week.
Changed your mind about the newsletter later on? That's OK you are free to leave at any time, but please, can you do me a favor. The newsletters each have a link at the very bottom where you can easily unsubscribe with one click. If you no longer want to receive the newsletter, please use the unsubscribe link, or simply reply to the email and ask to be taken off the list. If you mark/report the newsletter as spam as a way to try to unsubscribe, then my email address gets reported and then it makes it difficult to get the newsletter through to people who actually do want to receive it. Thank you.
The YouTube channel at the time of writing has more than 33,000 subscribers! Being a subscriber is the best way to make sure you get notified about new video uploads. You can watch all the videos there too, or check out the playlists to find them sorted into category.
Hope to see you over on YouTube soon. If you do watch and like any of the videos, please do use the thumbs up feature because that helps to show the video to more people, and spread the wonderful world of sewing to a wider audience. There are also sharing buttons on the videos there as well, so if you see one you like, share it to Facebook or you can even Pin it to Pinterest on your sewing boards too.
If you have a sewing blog of your own you are very welcome to feature any of the videos on your own site – they are all public and shareable. Use the embed feature to get the code you need. If you would like help in how to embed a YouTube video into your own blog posts, just ask. Always happy to help.
Pinterest and how to pin
Come and join us pinning our favorite sewing patterns, tips, tutorials, videos and more over on the So Sew Easy Pinterest boards. You'll be in good company with nearly 96,000 followers! Pinterest is the best way to save all of your favorite content in a visual way so its easy to find what you are looking for later by looking at the pictures. Many of the articles here come with their own ‘PIN ME' images with text and pictures to make it easy to find what you need later on, and its a great way to share your favorite sewing content with your followers too.
At the bottom of each article you'll see sharing buttons and Pinterest is one of those sharing options. Hit the Pinterest button in that sharing section and up comes all of the images in the article so that you can pick which one to save – go for the one with the text as well as the picture ideally, but pick which one helps you to identify the article later on.
Follow all or follow just your favorite boards
Now you've pinned some content to your boards, you'll want to follow along to see what the contributors and I find and pin too. There are two basic ways to follow.
1 – follow all. If you pick the follow So Sew Easy option then you automatically follow all of the boards and your feed shows pins to all of them. That's easy to do. Go to the So Sew Easy profile HERE and then click the red button top right that says FOLLOW.
2 – Follow just the boards you love. If there are things there you aren't so interested in, then you can just decide to follow individual boards. Scroll through all of the boards and underneath each one is the Follow option – just click on the ones you like and only those boards will be added to your feed.
Facebook sewing chat group
I think this is the best thing about the site we have created here – YOU. Your input is what makes our sewing community the best one there is. We have our own sewing chat group on Facebook where you can happily chat all day about sewing without it all showing up on the feeds for your friends. Making things as birthday presents? You can share them here and ask for help or suggestions without the lucky recipient seeing it.
Careful though, the group can be addictive – there is so much inspiration that you'll be spending more time on Facebook than sat at your sewing machine. Come and join the best sewing chat group and share what you made, ask questions or help others with their sewing queries.
It's not just a place to chat about So Sew Easy patterns, although you can get plenty of help there if you do have a question, you can share and chat about anything sewing related.
The group is ‘closed' from the outside Facebook world so you have to apply to join. Click the link above, hit the Join button and we will review your application and approve you as soon as possible. Please note however, to keep spammers out of the group, we will check your Facebook profile. You will need to have:
- a real name
- a profile picture
- a profile which is sufficiently public for us to see that you are a genuine person
There are almost 14,000 members at the time of writing this, so there will always be someone to chat to 24 hours a day and the answer to your question is usually only a few minutes away!
Facebook page
There is also the official So Sew Easy Facebook page. Here I'll update with all of the news, what I'm currently working on, what's released on the site today, and share some of my favorite finds. You'll find daily links to free sewing patterns, giveaways, tutorials and interesting sewing articles an discussions.
Give the page a ‘LIKE' and follow. Please note however, you have to ‘engage' with the status updates to let the funny Facebook algorithm know that you actually want to see these things in your newsfeed or it won't show up. Check out this interesting article about how the Facebook algorithm works and how you have to tell it what sewing content to show you.
Here's an option you might not have heard of before but it's an excellent way to follow all of your favorite blogs in one place. When you sign up to Bloglovin, you find all of your favorite blogs (you can search by name, keywords, type of subject etc) and then simply hit the ‘Follow' button.
Then every day you'll get a digest emailed to you with all of the new articles published that day by all of the blogs you follow. No need to go and visit them all individually, simply check out the daily digest and click on those links that interest you. Makes it so much easier to follow all of your favorite blogs in one place – I use it every day.
It's easy to add So Sew Easy to your Bloglovin follow list – just CLICK HERE and follow.
Last on the follow list is Twitter. I admit I'm not a big Twitter user, I get frustrated by the character limit. I like to chat and write a lot (you can tell that about me I'm sure), so I struggle to get my Tweets under the limit. Twitter just seems to be for young people! I don't know…
If you would like to join me with an occasional tweet from time to time, you can follow So Sew Easy here.
So that's it, the best ways to follow and stay up to date so you never miss a new pattern, project or article. Thank you everyone for following along and sharing the content with your friends and followers too. Any questions, just let me know in the comments. Hope to see you all in the chat group soon too.