I've been trying to carry out a little house-keeping on the site because over time, things can get unruly, out of date or just need to be streamlined as more and more content is added.
The video tutorials page was one of those areas so now it has a swanky new look and all of the new videos released should be added to this page automatically. There's a great new feature now that all of the videos can be accessed in this one place without having to go to the original blog articles or over to YouTube.
Just click on any of the little thumbnails down at the bottom (there are 2 pages of them now), and then the video you want to see will start to play automatically in the large screen at the top of the page.
I hope that helps.
If there are any other areas of the site that you think need an update, or where you have trouble of any kind, please do let me know and I'll do what I can with my limited techie knowledge to make it all work as easily as possible.
I'm also aware that because I'm not a mobile user myself, don't have an iPad or a swanky phone with internet, that I'm not always aware of how the site works for mobile users. Is everything OK for you? I'm always trying to improve, so do leave me your feedback in the comments.
Can’t find what I’m looking for. Search takes me to products. Looking for tutorials on vinyl bags.
Hi Sandra, we have quite a few tutorial on sewing vinyl bags. This search will show you what’s available: https://so-sew-easy.com//?s=vinyl+bags
Thank you for sharing. Love the video idea. Much needed for me. I still have not pulled out my machine, but I keep looking at your page and gaining more confidence
What I think is that you are incredibly generous with your time and talent. Thank you soooo much for all that you do for our sewing community.
It’s absolutely my pleasure, Joan. I love sewing and want everyone else to love it too.