Generally as a rule, accuracy in sewing is important. Accurate cutting and sewing makes sure that pieces fit together as they should, end up the right size, and in clothing, that they actually fit as intended! In quilting too, accuracy is paramount for creating the pieced quilt blocks and tops. So of course you'll need the right tools and skills to help you get the best results.
I have a number of quilting rulers I use to cut my fabric, especially when making bag patterns and such. One is a 12.5 inches square and another is a long one at 24 inches long. But both suffer from the same problem. They ‘slide' when I run my rotary cutter along them. Especially the 24 inch ruler because I think I over-reach too, so that doesn't help. The square ruler is an Omnigrip Non-slip, but it still shifts about. I'm sure part of the problem is user error 🙂
So I carefully line up my marks on the ruler with the edge of the fabric and cut. Only to find that by the time I've got to the end of my cut, my ruler has shifted and now my piece isn't exactly the right size or shape anymore. Darn it!
So I was on the look out for some kind of non-slip grippy stuff to add to the bottom without really knowing what I was looking for. Then when I added the Thermal Thimbles to my cart on Amazon (OMG – you need them, read about them here), at the bottom it gives other suggested products, and up came these True-Grips. I was so happy and added them to my cart too!
These are little round discs that are adhesive on one side and almost clear. You stick them to the underside of your ruler in 2 or 3 widely spaced intervals and then when you press down on the ruler – hey presto! They grip the fabric or the cutting surface and the ruler no longer shifts and slides when you run the rotary cutter along the edge.
I was a bit confused at first because it said there were 15 large and 15 small in the packet, but in fact you can use the larger rings on the larger rulers and the smaller dots in the center on smaller rulers.
They are very thin, clear so your fabric and ruler markings can still be seen clearly, and I only needed 3 on each of my rulers so I have plenty left over for even more rulers. You simply can't have too many!
You can buy these TrueGrips Non-Slip discs at:
Amazon US
Amazon UK
What about you? What small tools make your sewing life easier?
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