Why Not Give It A Try?
As regular readers know, we rarely promote sales or special deals unless it's really something special. This is one of those times, I think.
Craftsy has just announced a special deal where you can view all of Craftsy Unlimited, which is pretty much everything they publish and nearly 3,000 hours of video tutorials, for 14 days for only $1.00. Yup, just one dollar –for everything!
Of course, you will need to cancel your subscription before the end of the two weeks to avoid being moved on to the normal monthly plan. Obviously, Craftsy are hoping you'll get so hooked on their content that you'll continue, but you certainly don't have to. Just note it on your calendar so you don't forget.
Hello, I just wanted to try it after today’s mail.
Looks like it has ended:
“Billed … after 7 day free trial”
Ho can I choase 2 weeks and 1$?
Hi Tina, the Sunday mail is a summary of all the articles from the previous week. The two-week offer was available early in the week but seems to have expired now. There was a separate email to all readers about the special offer when it came out. We’ll certainly let everyone know when they next run a similar offer but for the moment, you may want to do the 7-day trial and be sure to cancel if you don’t want to continue.
I clicked on the link for your offer to get Craftsy Unlimited: 14 days for $1 but the page that appears only says free 7day trial with your monthly or yearly subscription. Has this offer expired?
Thanks for all of your great patterns!
Hi Mary, unfortunately, that special was only available for a couple days and was over by the time you clicked. We did send out a general email to everyone alerting them to the sale. Make sure you’re on the email list to make sure you don’t miss any future specials.
Is this promotion still on, because when I press your button the site says 1 week free trial not 2 weeks for $1.00. Can you please help me?
Hi Gail, I think you clicked too late. Make sure to join our email list to get notices of future specials.