We were delighted to see that our recent For Men Who Like to Sew article has been linked to from none other than the Huffington Post France edition!
For readers not familiar with the US media scene, the Huffington Post was launched back on May 9, 2005 in New York by Adrianna Huffington, Andrew Breitbard, and several others as an online news and commentary site. It has since grown to have many international editions including in France, so we're delighted they found our content useful enough to link to.
Although the article in Huffington Post France by Clément Arbrun appears in French, most browsers will translate it for you into English is that's your preferred language.
The article talks about how many men have used the lockdown to learn new skills like sewing. And that how learning this skill has helped manage the boredom and depression from the long periods of confinement that some have suffered.
This is something we've written about before as well in our article called Sew Your Blues Away – How Sewing Fights Depression, which I recommend you check out.
In the part where the article links to us, which I've translated below, the author mentions how sewing can be quite easy to learn for men and also highlights the interesting fact that something like 6 to 8% of our readers at So Sew Easy are men –which we think is really great!
Indeed, that 6 to 8% figure was correct back in 2018 when our article was first published. Upon checking the current numbers, especially since the lockdowns, that number has more than doubled to now 16% of male readership which is even better!
Some even associate this mania for sewing with DIY. Ideal for breaking clichés with irony. This is also what the specialized blog “So Sew Easy” is practicing – sewing so easy. “The truth is that the mechanics of sewing are not that much different from carpentry, because it is also a matter of measurement, cut and construction. In short, sewing is also for you guys, and should I say: Welcome to the club! ”, We have fun. A sign of this curiosity, 6 to 8% of the blog's readers are men.

Look for this link in the article.
My husband sews on his grandmother’s treadle Singer. He also bought a commercial machine which he has used to makes some of his own outdoor gear. He is a do-it-yourself guy with an eye for precision, so sewing is a good use of his skills. He and I made and donated over 200 face masks last year. He is also my sewing machine mechanic – we have a collection of vintage machines that he has brought back to life. Sewing is a real life survival skill!