Are you a hacker? I am not talking about hacking on the computer here, but about a sewist who can work around with what she has on hand and sew easier and faster. Well, if you are not, it’s time to start hacking and here are a few tips and suggestions to become a certified sewing hacker.
In the past, we've done a whole series of Tool Tips focusing on finding and using the best sewing tools. Here's just a short list:
- Tool tips– budget or quality? The brass seam ripper
- Tool tips – budget or quality? Sewing scissors
- Tool tips – budget or quality? Wonder Clips
- Tool tips– Sewing storage ideas
- Tool tips – budget or quality? The Bodkin
But these articles have focused on helping you find the best traditional sewing tools and supplies to get the job done. Now, we're going to help you discover all the non-traditional tools that can really speed your sewing along.

In this post, I tried to collect all the sewing hacks that I can find to make your sewing life easier and more enjoyable. Knowing all these tips and hacks will surely improve your skills and help you keep your sewing room or space better organized. Some of them you might have been practicing already but I hope you will find something new and useful. So click on each of these thirty images, read on, and learn something old or new!
The truth is there are many items around the house that you can transform into sewing implements and some of them are just under your nose. Happy hacking!
Nice pics of what I’m sure are great hacks.
I, too, can’t access the link. I have no filters. Thanks.
I’m not able to access the links either ?
Thanks Mayra. I love receiving your emails as there is always something new to try
None of the link works, but some great ideas. Wish I could follow link and find out more.
Hi Cynthia, I’ve just checked them all again and seem to be fine. I don’t think anyone else is having issues. Perhaps you’re using some sort of blocker on your browser? Perhaps try clearing the cache and having another go? Kind regards, Mayra
Thanks for sharing this wonderful list of “hacks”. Can’t wait to try some of them.
Nifty, thanks! I’d like to add: if you have heavy plush toys around the house, that are filled with grains or cloth, or grain filled heaters, you can use one of these as tailor’s ham. I personally use a large door-stopper teddy.
Great idea Jules. Thanks for sharing!