Sewing Pattern of the Month Club launched

Save money and get to sew a lot! I'll be signing up at So Sew Easy to get a sewing pattern each month.

I asked a little while back what you all thought of a Sewing Pattern of the Month Club. Overall, comments were positive with quite a few saying they would be interested, so the So Sew Easy Pattern of the Month Club goes live today!

How it works

Every month during 2014, I'll be releasing a new pattern into the range of paid-for sewing patterns.  There will be a variety of projects on offer and as usual, if you see a pattern you like, you can continue to buy any one of more of the sewing patterns individually.  You can find a list of the currently available patterns in the Pattern Shop.

None of that will change.

But if you would like several of the patterns, you might find it good value to sign up to the Pattern of the Month Club.  This includes all of the paid-for patterns released so far, plus all the remaining patterns for 2014.

Released so far:


2013 – Boxy Bag, Super Simple Wallet and Slouchy Sweater


How to join the Sewing Pattern of the Month Club

You can join at any time, in any month of the year. When you sign up, you will receive all of the back patterns right away and then join the monthly schedule thereafter.  All patterns will be delivered to you by email, via a download link from Google Drive.

The price for the year is $35.  If you leave it right until the end of the year and join in December, you will get all of the patterns sent to you at that time.  There is no credit or refund for any individual patterns you might have already bought and there is no opting in and out of individual patterns. If you only want some and not all of the patterns, please buy them individually.

Please allow 24hrs from joining for your email to be added to the database and for your first patterns to arrive.

Price for 2014 membership = $35.00 for the whole of 2014, plus the 3 patterns from 2013, plus 3 bonus patterns for bags released in November & December = 18 patterns in total.

Buy your membership in the So Sew Easy Store.

The full terms and conditions are listed in the item listing in the Store, but if you have any questions, do leave a comment below or send me an email and I'll be happy to answer them.

And lastly – thank you so much to enery one who has bought one of my patterns. You help me spend more time on my site, more time developing my skills and more time creating new content, both free and paid, which I can share with all my readers.  I very much appreciate your support.  I'd be interested to learn about the sort of patterns you would all like to see going forward and what have been your favorite patterns so far from all of the free and paid ones. Let me know below.

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Join the Sewing Pattern of the Month Club
Get 18 patterns for 2014

Get all 18 patterns from the 2014 Pattern of the Month Club for $35.  Offer closes on 31st Jan 2015.  After that you can still buy each pattern individually, but not as the group.


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Arlene Casaw
Arlene Casaw

Your pattern of the month club all refers to the year 2014. It is 2017 now. Do you still have the pattern of the month club going on.?

Pam M
Pam M

Hi, Deby. Just wondering if you have plans to continue the Pattern Club in 2015? I missed the boat in joining up to this one (and already own more than half of the 2014 club patterns) but would like to join in next year if possible. Thanks.

Pam M
Pam M

Thanks, Deby. That sounds like a good plan. Look forward to seeing what’s coming along next year.

Reply to  Pam M

Hello I just wanted to ask if u knew how to make or have a pattern of overall short


Hi Deby, I am enjoying your site very much. I have been scouring the internet looking for clothes/nightwear patterns for people who are disabled or have Alzheimer’s, and cannot find adaptive sewing patterns at all. Have you ever considered drafting patterns for disabled or elderly people? There is a HUGE void in the market for this kind of thing! I am looking for a pyjama pattern with a top that looks “normal” in the front, but actually closes with velcro at the back and shoulders. This means that the top can be put on with both arms pointing forwards, not upwards or towards the back. Anyway, just a suggestion if you are looking for a new challenge!

Chelle Chapman

I am SEW excited you are taking this plunge! Not only will I join, I will post on my itty bitty baby blog AND Facebook, (IF YOU ALLOW ME TO). I am SEW proud of you for taking the natural next step in your absolutely stunning progress w/ these patterns & your sewing abilities!! I am BEAMING over here for you! LOL I feel like your Mom or something! Someone I don’t even know personally, have never met physically, but yet I can feel SEW proud emotionally!! GO DEBY!