I had an email to tell me that the new Spring 2013 patterns were now on the site for Simplicity. I was keen to take a look because I've recently bought a lot of patterns from Simplicity that I liked and I was sure (worried !) that I would find a lot more in the new collection.
Oh dear – so DULL. In fact so dull I can't really be bothered to post about any of them. Maybe its the styling or the fabrics? Or all those shapeless clothes, round necklines and silly hemlines. Maybe its just the presentation on the website. They really don't seem to try very hard. I would like to see some nice photos of the finished result, big clear line drawings on the first page etc. Something other than just a picture of the front of the pattern envelope.
And they don't let you copy their website images to post to your own blog. How selfish is that ! 😉
[mantra-pullquote align=”right” textalign=”left” width=”33%”]”I am yearning back to the ladies on bicycles ……”[/mantra-pullquote]
Or maybe there's nothing wrong with it at all and I'm just tired. Maybe once I've looked a few more times I'll see something I want to make. But not today – which is just as well because my stash of fabric and patterns is mounting without any sewing actually going on right now. Must try harder.
I've set up a Pinterest board of some of the patterns I own, which is helpful so I don't duplicate similar styles. It also serves as an annoying reminder of the money I spent on patterns which I have yet to make up.