Why Do Healthcare Workers Wear Scrub Caps?
This sounds like a simple question. The obvious reason is to avoid contaminating the patient during surgery or a medical procedure:
Even clean recently washed hair is contaminated with loads of bacteria. The surgical cap minimizes the risk of hair falling into the sterile area during surgery. Ensure that all your hair is covered by the surgical cap before proceeding with scrubbing for surgery! Source: The Apprentice Doctor
However, there is also a secondary reason that is particularly important during these days of trying to stay clear of this virus. For the same reason your hair could potentially contaminate a patient -there's potentially a lot of bacteria and viruses trapped there, you may want to cover your hair when you might be exposed to contaminated environments.
When I go to the grocery store these days, in addition to wearing my trusty super simple face mask, and eye protection, I use a washable surgical scrub cap to protect my hair from picking up any contaminants. When I get home, I can just wash both the mask and the cap along with all my clothes in the laundry to be ready for the next outing.
It's certainly not a perfect system and you're probably still advised to fully shower when you get home, but I feel better not to be bringing unnecessary contaminants into the house if I can help it.
A Good Charity Project
Many readers have been busy making face masks for not only their loved ones, but also to donate to local health care workers. These workers are also likely in need of scrub caps as well so worth considering.
This Would Work Too
While not technically a surgical scrubs cap, this chemo headwear pattern would serve the same purpose. Check it out.
This is a pretty quick project. Most surgical scrub cap projects can be made, start to finish, in only about 15-30 minutes.
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Surgical Scrub Caps Sewing Pattern Roundup
Here's a list of some of the best Surgical Scrub Caps sewing patterns that I could find on the internet. I hope they are of value to you. Hover over the picture to show the title, click to open, or right-click and open in a new tab to keep this page open too. And don’t forget to pin it.
Need a Face Mask Pattern?
Here's our collection of Face Mask Patterns. We think it is one of the best roundups out there. I'm sure you'll find a style or design that works for you or your loved ones.
I literally just got home today from having a craniotomy, I made masks for the last 2 wks for everyone else bit think I might make myself a couple of these for me, yours looks so good, thankyou so much!!!
Wonderful idea. Thanks
Thank you!
SUPER DUPER Thanks for your free patterns. I’m sure they will be put to good use. I am a retired RN and the job itself is stressful enough, let alone caring for patients you know could give you something that could put your own health at risk. But people who enter the health care field are there because they care.
Keep up the good work, Margie Peart
No face mask?
Hi Jerilynne, here’s a super simple face mask pattern for you: https://so-sew-easy.com/super-simple-face-mask/