Huge New Juki Giveaway (RRP $989.00): Just in time for Christmas

We're so delighted to announce to you our latest “Juki Bundle Giveaway” just in time for Christmas.  Our sponsors have really gotten into the holiday spirit with a tremendous prize this year of a sewing/quilting machine, a serger and a gift certificate!

Our sponsors are offering the complete Christmas package for sewing beginners and experts!  The prize bundle will be a Juki F300, which is a great sewing and quilting machine, plus a Juki mo 644d, which is a 2-needle, 2/3/4 thread serger, and $125 Gift Certificate from our friends at which will get you started.

The RRP for this package is a whopping $989.00!

This bundle is also currently available at Amazon for a discounted $924.89 if you just can't wait.. but Amazon is also a great place to go to check out all the reviews and advice on this machine if you're going to hold out for the giveaway.

This giveaway will be a bit shorter than usual and only about three weeks ending on December 24th so while the prize may not arrive at your house until after Christmas, you'll definitely know if you've won.  Wouldn't this be just the best Christmas gift ever?

We'll be announcing the winner via our weekly Sunday newsletter email list so please make sure to sign up if you want to hear right away.

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There are a couple of different ways to enter.  Make sure you get in as many entries as possible to increase your chances.  We'll be adding more ways to enter as the contest progresses so please check back from time to time.

Our sponsor has stepped up to cover international shipping (you'll need to pay local import duties if any) so this contest is open WORLDWIDE!

The F300 sewing and quilting machine is a really fantastic machine.  The list of features is huge which you can see in the video below.

The Juki mo 644d is also a terrific serger with all the capability you'll need.  If you don't have a serger, you

Juki Sewing Bundle Giveaway

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Laurie Devers
Laurie Devers

I would love to make a cute Christmas apron with this Michael Miller print.

Jean F.
Jean F.

I would make a tablecloth for the grandchildrens holiday table.

Keisha Williams
Keisha Williams

Not really sure, maybe some zippered pouches.

Connie krakora
Connie krakora


Barbara J
Barbara J

I’d make an apron. So cute!

Susan Bard
Susan Bard

PJs for kids

Madelaine DeMone
Madelaine DeMone

Enjoy receiving your patterns.


What a happy fabric! I’d make it (with the coordinating fabrics) into a tree skirt!


I think the lining of a bag would look cute in this fabric!

Aleatha Roseke
Aleatha Roseke

Charity quilts, etc.


That would make cute pajamas.

Janie O
Janie O

I’d use that michael miller print to make a table runner and napkins for my mod orange dining room.

Giuditta Reppi
Giuditta Reppi

Renewing my commitment to A Case for Smiles, and sewing at least one pillowcase a month for children receiving treatment in hospitals.

Ann Zeman
Ann Zeman

Some Christmas napkins!

Cynthia Anthony
Cynthia Anthony

We do a lot of sewing for our hula group. Dresses and pa’u skirts to wear when dancing.

Sandy Bell
Sandy Bell

I make a nightgown for my granddaughter and pajamas for the grandsons. That would be precious!

Amber C
Amber C

I would make matching aprons for me and my 3-year old little girl and some placemats/napkins!


A New Year Pillow

Lisa Dempsey
Lisa Dempsey

A table runner or a mug rug to put a plate of cookies for Santa!!

Glenda Gassner
Glenda Gassner

I would use it to quilt something.


I would love to win!

Cathy Burnett
Cathy Burnett

The Michael Miller print would be great for a holiday outfit for my sweet granddaughter.

Kylie abrahams
Kylie abrahams

I would make some matching dolly and me sets for my toddler and maybe myself to match as well ?

Gillian Stock
Gillian Stock

A retro set of kitchen accessories for all those delicious christmas cookies!

Janette Guy
Janette Guy

I would make a table runner for the Christmas Season.


Quilts for project linus.

Sandy Allen
Sandy Allen

I would love to use this fabric to make some quick holiday place mats!


That would make adorable holiday napkins. 🙂

Nancy Simon
Nancy Simon

I have my first granddaughter expected in March 2018 and I would make her first Christmas! Blanket, stocking, ornaments and high chair liner, a stroller blanket, and a cute outfit for her to wear! I would probably make her a stuffed animal gift, and the list is endless! I am so excited!

jennifer winters
jennifer winters

tryed to apply for the juki machine I hope you can add my name to the drawing.!!! thank you! Jennifer (

Christine Scott
Christine Scott

This would make a cute table runner

Dorie DePuy
Dorie DePuy

I make mug rugs, table runner and micro bowls.

Jennifer Baker

I think that fabric just has to be made into reusable gift bags!

Lisa Miles
Lisa Miles

Christmas tree skirt, and new stockings.

shari thorley
shari thorley

trinity bag

Amy Pentz
Amy Pentz

I’d make pj pants for my students!

Alicia R
Alicia R

I would make pajamas for the kids

Debra Blackmon
Debra Blackmon

Love to make PJ’s

Deborah W.
Deborah W.

I would like to make a table runner and some napkins; maybe an apron too.

Terri Cady
Terri Cady

I’d make some holiday reusable grocery totes and a tree skirt for my newlywed son and his wife.

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