NEW Juki Industrial Sewing Machine Giveaway

juki industrial sewing machine


We've done a couple of big Juki sewing machine giveaways over the years and we're super pleased to announce another.  Our friends at Juki are offering a new Juki DDL-8700-H industrial sewing machine to one of our lucky readers.

Some time ago we published an article asking readers if they thought they needed an industrial sewing machine.  Well, the response was overwhelming and it seems like many, many readers are either already happy owners of industrial sewing machines or aspiring ones.  So, this time, we decided to give away something truly special, a genuine, heavy-duty, industrial sewing machine!

Please take a minute to read through this article and the roughly 150 detailed comments by our readers.  I'm sure you'll find it interesting and may help you determine if you actually need an industrial sewing machine.  I think you'll probably conclude “yes”..

Do You Need An Industrial Sewing Machine?

About Juki

According to Wikipedia, Juki ranks as the number 1 sewing machine manufacturer in the world!

The company was established in 1938 and manufactures its products in Japan, China, and Vietnam and sells in over 170 countries around the world.

The company is particularly renowned for its industrial sewing machines which are used in factories all over the world and this is what we're giving away in this competition.

Let's have a look at the Juki DDL-8700-H Industrial Sewing Machine

[metaslider id=62049]

This machine is also currently available at Amazon for the RRP of $749.00 if you just can't wait.. but Amazon is also a great place to go to check out all the reviews and advice on this machine if you're going to hold out for the giveaway.  Feel free to click below to check it out!

The machine has many 5-star reviews and here's just a sample:

Ends March 22nd

The giveaway for the Juki DDL-8700-H industrial sewing machine will conclude on Sunday, March 22nd.

We'll be announcing the winner via our weekly Sunday newsletter email list so please make sure to sign up if you want to hear right away.

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There are a couple of different ways to enter.  Make sure you get in as many entries as possible to increase your chances.  We'll be adding more ways to enter as the contest progresses so please check back from time to time.  As always, the best way to really improve your chances is to enter daily and use the button to share the contest with your friends.  You'll get a free entry each time they enter using your link.

Our sponsor has stepped up to cover international shipping (you'll need to pay local import duties if any) so this contest is open WORLDWIDE!  However, please keep in mind that this machine is shipping from the US and so will have a 110v motor.  If you live in a country with 230 or 240v power, it should be pretty easy to get a transformer, but please just keep this in mind.

If you want a bit more information on the history of the Juki brand, please watch the video below.

If you'd like to know a bit more about what fantastic things you can door with the Juki DDL-8700H, please have a look at this video where the machine is practically torture tested and shown sewing thin dress pant material all the way up to 14 layers of heavy-duty vinyl without even skipping a stitch.  Amazing!

Enter HERE

Juki DDL-8700H Giveaway

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There should be a large and very obvious entry form box just above this text, however, sometimes there are settings on particular web browsers that block the code for displaying this box.  If this is the case with your browser, don't panic and please use the link below that connects directly with the Gleam entry form for this giveaway.

Alternate Entry Form HERE

This giveaway was sponsored by our friends at Industrial Plastics in Brisbane, Australia.  For any sort of custom plastic fabrication services, including custom plastic chemical tanks, please give them a call.

The other sponsor was Spartan Doors in Newcastle, Australia.  Spartan is a leading manufacturer of fire-rated doors, life safety doors, and pressed metal door frames with customers across Australia.

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Frances Leiter
Frances Leiter

The fabric would make into lovely and cheerful privacy curtains for the gazebo or patio!


I would make a tablecloth

Kathy k
Kathy k

Kitchen curtains

Deb E
Deb E

Beautiful fabric – it would make a lovely tablecloth for our back patio. Deb E


Fun fabric. I would make a blouse.

Tiffany Stutheit
Tiffany Stutheit

A nice flowy top for spring

Richard Hicks
Richard Hicks

Might make the kids some summer tees


Ooh, I love that fabric! That dress is what first attracted me to your website. I agree it would be perfect as a summer dress, pajama pants, tablecloth, tote bag…

Duane Wiley
Duane Wiley

I’d make a cute little sun dress!

Chris Chase
Chris Chase

I would make curtains for kitchen what a lovely way to walk into every morning!


I’d make a retro dress for the summer


The summer dress pattern that you offer would be so perfect for this lemon fabric.

Beth B
Beth B

I’d sew a pretty bath robe. Lovely fabric!

Gail Mendonza
Gail Mendonza

A beautiful summer sun dress.

Judy A
Judy A

I’d line it well and make a little purse to match my. Louise.

Karen M
Karen M

An apron and heap of kitchen accessories with the lemons

Sandy Lightfoot
Sandy Lightfoot

I love the idea of having an industrial sewing machine. I would make a lady’s tailored suit.


Such a fresh summery print! I’d make an apron and maybe trim some kitchen towels with it! Then I’d get to work making some lemonade! 🙂


I would make padded window boxes for spring flowers and a valance for my kitchen windows. I love this fun fabric. I might even make cushions for the chairs.


I would love to make a skirt with this fabric.


A tunic length tank dress

Clodagh Pugh
Clodagh Pugh

I would make a fluttery romper with a matching hairband for my little girl with this beautiful fabric.


I think a super cute kitchen valance

Jeri Munoz
Jeri Munoz

Bubble romper for my new grandchild

Terri P
Terri P

A flowing dress would be nice.

Wanda B
Wanda B

A new t-shirt dress would be such fun to sew.

Lana's Lark
Lana's Lark

My thought was kitchen when I saw the lemon fabric. This would be wonderful combined with green, yellow, and/or white to make placemats and napkins, potholders, and embellishment for tea towels. Love it.

Sylvia R
Sylvia R

a cute sleeveless tunic

Linda Kittrell
Linda Kittrell

Lovely lemons!!! A fun tank top for hot weather.

Michele Lewin
Michele Lewin

I would make a wrap around summer dress.


I would make a peplum shirt with this fabric!

Inga-Lill Bruno
Inga-Lill Bruno

I think it will help me sewing ”tent” for our new boat and outdoor clothes for the family

Maesha Burt
Maesha Burt

I have been looking at the DIY masks ,this would be very bright ones

Sheila H
Sheila H

I would make a summer blouse with the lemon material.

Vicki Wettig
Vicki Wettig

I would make a sundress!

Mea Cadwell
Mea Cadwell

I would like to make a skirt out of the lemon fabric.

Angelo King
Angelo King

I will make masks for our health care workers.

Shirley W.
Shirley W.

I would accent a white tunic with these lemons.


Beautiful! I see a flowing sleeveless maxi dress with coordinating jacket or matching wrap

Teresa M Edington
Teresa M Edington

Oh My Gosh!!! Lemon Rayon!!! I LOVE Rayon! So drapey. I’d make a multi-layered tank top for the summer!