Sewing Pattern Copyright Law – Myths Debunked!

sewing pattern copyright law

There were a couple of articles in July that had a lot of interest, both about sewing to sell.  How to price your work and a round up of projects that are good to sell.

Sewing to sell. How to price your work. Several different methods discussed and a handy worksheet to give you a range of selling prices.

Ideas and tips for sewing for selling. What do you need to consider and links to some great projects that could be good profit-makers.

Good to see so many people were interested in this subject, but at the same time I got such a lot of emails telling me that it was illegal to sell things you had made from either someone else's sewing pattern or from licensed fabric.  Or that you had to buy a licence from the pattern designer if you wanted to sell an item made from their pattern, known as a cottage licence.  Or that if you want to make more than one item (such as 3 matching bridesmaid dresses) that you have to buy a new pattern for each person!  Sadly it only proves that there is a lot of misinformation out there that is holding you and your business back!

So I got in touch with a couple of contacts, one of whom is a lawyer, and another who has a lot of personal experience in copyright law, and scoured the internet looking for definitive advice on this subject.  There is too much nonsense out there.  I had to wade through a lot of people who were apparently stating a fact but in the end were just really passing on hearsay and opinion without any basis in fact at all, and thereby just perpetuating the myth that you cannot sell certain items.

I'm trying to put the record straight here in an easy to understand way, but at the same time it is a VERY complicated area and opinions, even legal opinions, can sometimes vary.  Please therefore make your own enquiries with your lawyer if you wish to set up any kind of business and think these sort of restrictions might apply to you and your products.  Different laws may also apply to different regions of the world.  Check your local laws.

Sewing pattern Copyright law – myths debunked

I'm aware that some of which I state here below may be controversial, and not everyone will either agree with me or like what I say.  Of course as usual all comments and feedback are welcome.  If you do make a statement of fact that relates to the law regarding sewing patterns and copyright, that contradicts any of these statements below, please provide a source in law where such information can be found and verified.  Saying this isn't true because I read it on the internet, only provides even more confusion and passes on inaccurate information which is something we are trying to avoid.

sewing pattern copyright lawphoto credit: Disagreement via photopin (licence)

1 – If you make something yourself from a commercially available sewing pattern, it is illegal to sell it because of copyright laws.

Not true.  A sewing pattern itself may be subject to copyright law, but that is only the pattern illustrations, diagrams, written instructions and the pattern envelope art (sometimes, again there are limitations).  That means that you cannot simply photocopy or scan in the sewing pattern and then sell copies of it.  Naturally, I'm sure you wouldn't do that.  Although if you look on Etsy there are plenty of seemingly illegal copies of sewing/knitting patterns and even scanned copies of whole books on there.  But that's another matter for another day…

You CAN sell things that you make from sewing patterns, with only minor limitations (see later).  A pattern is simply that – a template to follow to create a uniform item.  You add your own artistic flare to what you create using that template.  What you make is your property and is yours to do with as you will.

sewing pattern copyright law
Will this happen if you sell what you sew? Absolutely not.

In legal-ese.  Patterns for clothing and other useful items generally are not copyrightable. See Supreme Court – Baker v Selden, 101 U.S. 99, (1878).  Even if patterns were copyrightable, the product made from the pattern would not be covered  by the copyright. see Baker v Selden, (1878). Copyright owners only have the rights defined under copyright law and cannot make statements that restrict the subsequent use of their product once they have sold it. see Supreme Court – Bobbs-Merrill Co. v. Straus, 210 U.S. 339, (1908)

As you can see, these Supreme Court rulings established certain factors over 100 years ago, and those have not changed since that time.

You might enjoy this interesting TED Talk about copyright in the fashion industry that explains how utilitarian items cannot be subject to copyright.

So if I saw a cat-walk dress I loved, I could create a pattern for how to make a similar item and you could all sew up similar dresses, no problem. That's how the high-street stores are able to create copies of designer clothing.

2 – If you buy an ‘indie' pattern and then find right at the end it says for personal use only, or not for commercial use etc, then you aren't allowed to sell any items you make using that pattern.

Not true.  These terms are trying to impose a contract between the pattern seller and the buyer.  But for a contract to be legally binding, both parties have to be fully aware of all of the terms of that contract and both expressly agree to them before entering into that contract – at the point of the purchase of the pattern.

In legal-ese. Unless the purchaser agrees to the restriction before the sale. the limitations on the product do not apply.  (Bobbs-Merrill Co. v. Straus) The non-commercial limitation is not legally binding upon the purchaser because the manufacturer lacks the legal standing to make such demands.

3 – What about the designers who want to charge you for a ‘licence' to sell what you made from their pattern? 

Angel licences, sometimes called cottage licences, are agreements between two parties. If you purchase the pattern without first agreeing to limitations the same applies as in #2. These licences are attempts by designers to get around copyright law.  Don't fall for it and pay out money for a licence you don't need and isn't worth anything.

If a pattern designer expresses their wish that you do not sell items created from the pattern, then you may decide to simply use another pattern, there are lots out there.  Don't waste your time and money on pattern designers who are overly-restrictive or unco-operative.

sewing pattern copyright lawphoto credit: Pattern via photopin (licence)


4 – You can't sell items made with ‘licensed' fabric, such as Dr Who fabric.  That's illegal and the BBC will come after you for making forgeries, illegal copies of their products or going outside of the licence agreement for the fabric.

Not necessarily true.  Licensed fabric means the design was licensed by the rights owner to be manufactured. The licence is between those two parties, not between the manufacturer and the fabric buyer.  There is no license on the use of the fabric as long as the user insures that when selling the items it is very clear to any potential purchaser that the product is not an officially licensed product but rather made from licensed fabric. We suggest users include a Disclaimer when advertising anything made in this way.

Read more about the use of licensed fabrics here. Are there ‘restrictions' printed in the selvege edge of your fabric?  These restrictions aren't legally binding on the fabric purchaser – read more about that here.

sewing pattern copyright law

5 – What about those designers who insist you ‘credit' them by adding a notice to your sales pages and a tag to the item saying it was made with their pattern? 

Depends where you live.  American copyright law does not require the original author be given credit as you describe. European copyright law does require attribution but Congress declined to add that to American copyright law.  Their demands for credit are not legally enforceable.

6 – You must purchase a pattern for EVERY item you make.

Not true.  Patterns are reusable and there is nothing in the law that allows any pattern designer/manufacturer to set such a limit on the number of items that can be produced from the pattern, even if they are items of clothing intended for different people.  Imagine if you had two daughters and wanted to make them matching dresses – why would you need to buy two patterns?  The same applies even if you are sewing items to sell.

Coming up next

I'll be following up with my opinion in the next article about why I think pattern designers and companies try to put these restrictions on their products.  I'll also be happy to tell you more about what is and isn't allowed with So Sew Easy patterns too – basically that's just common sense.  You know what's right and wrong!

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Jeanette Leib-Foster
Jeanette Leib-Foster

With the current crisis at the moment and having been made redundant I am considering starting my own sewing and repairing business. Repairing is no problem but it was making products from patterns that I would purchase that worried me. For instance make a apron but add some of my own creative spin on it – this I believe I can sell in what ever coloured fabric I choose.
This article has been very informative, thankyou

Vickie Smith
Vickie Smith

thanks for a great article.. now to figure out how to make sure my purchasers know they can’t make and sell the dolls they’ve made from my patterns!l I talked to a lawyer and he said to make sure I write out the complete instructions to make my items, just the pieces on their own couldn’t be copyrighted… any other suggestions welcome!


I’ve search the comments and couldn’t find this but I may have missed it –

if a pattern is out of print – can I make a copy of it to give to someone who is looking for it? Not selling the pattern – just making a copy of it to share.
Thank you!

Jean Williams
Jean Williams

Thank you, thank you for writing such a clear and logical explantation of copywrite law. Loved how you referenced things and greatly appreciated the Ted talk link. So much of copywriter is plain, reasonable thinking but so many people are AFRAID of the competition that rather than serving forward with their creativity they hold back and risk losing their magic. 3 Cheers for happy, relaxed, creative people!


I really enjoyed your article! I am still a little confused, (probably because of all the legal jargon). I clicked through and read the Copyright Law-Licensed Fabric & the disclaimers. Hypothetically, could a person buy, for example licensed Harry Potter/Disney/Marvel, fabric from good ol’ Wal-Mart, take it home and make a small bag/hat and then sell it? I just want to make sure I have understood all the information correctly. I have googled it but it is equally as confusing. Thank you for your time! Have a nice day!

Mayra Cecilia
Noble Member
Reply to  j.keepes

The article is about sewing patterns and not licensed fabrics. You will have a chance to get in trouble, the question is: do you have enough money to defend yourself? Is it worth the risk?

Reply to  Mayra Cecilia

But you linked the article saying that it is acceptable so you have just added to the confusion of this question that many have

Linda Rados
Linda Rados
Reply to  j.keepes

I hope this helps. I tried to break it down easier. I was curious about the same thing.

Licensed fabric means the design was licensed by the rights owner to be manufactured. For example, if I understand this correctly Hoffman or any fabric manufacturer who is in agreement with Marvel, Disney, etc. The agreement is between the manufacturer and Disney to make the licensed material. The license is between those two parties, not between the manufacturer and the fabric buyer.

There is no license on the use of the fabric as long as the user insures that when selling the items it is very clear to any potential purchaser that the product is not an official licensed product but rather made from licensed fabric. We suggest users include a Disclaimer when advertising anything made in this way.

Reply to  j.keepes

You absolutely can. What you can’t do is make something with that fabric and then advertise it as a licensed product.

Marion Phillips
Marion Phillips

I know that the Disney Designs on Brother can only be used for personal garments or garments gifted. Can you speak to this?

Mayra Cecilia
Noble Member

yes, you better used then as such.

D Bauer
D Bauer

This is not true..see question 4 above. You may resell items made even with the so-called restriction on the selvedge. If advertising, add the disclaimer that you are not affiliated with that company.

Melissa White
Melissa White

Thanks! Well researched article, my daughter has just started sewing and I forwarded the link…she gives me grief about never selling the items I knit abut I have always been concerned about “the copyright police”… Are knitting patterns different than sewing patterns?

Anna Takasaki
Anna Takasaki

So, if I were to sell patterns that I make myself would it be illegal to make them of copyrighted characters. For example, if I made a pattern of Captain America would that be illegal? What can I do to go about this?


Question, if I purchase a sewing or knitting pattern can I share that pattern with my daughter or a friend if I do not charge them for the pattern? Also, what if I photo copied said pattern to share with them?
Or can you only share the original pattern?

Nancy Daniel
Nancy Daniel
Reply to  Kat

I would like to know this also – more specifically- if a pattern is out of print – can I make a copy of it to give to someone who is looking for it? Not selling the pattern – just making a copy of it to share.

Monique Wilson
Monique Wilson
Reply to  Nancy Daniel

I’d like to know this too.


Thank you for this informative article. I’m considering making a few small stuffed animals from patterns in a craft book and selling them on Etsy. Would this be unethical, or unfair to the designer? I don’t want to do anything wrong or illegal. Thanks again for your time and expertise.


Ok. I’m confused by the article and then some of your responses to other questions. I would like to be a seamstress. I am making up a few patterned dresses to sell. I want to get the word out there that I’m making them and also show that I can sew. Am I right in thinking that so long as I don’t put my own tag on it I won’t be doing anything illegal?

Reply to  Amanda

The copyright is only on the physical pattern pieces and artwork. You can do whatever you want with what you create from the pattern.

Michelle M Greaves
Michelle M Greaves
Reply to  Amanda

Previous reply is correct.

Im almost positive that all clothes that are sold for retail, need to have a tag anyways. It has to have wash & care instructions, plus the type of material.


Quoting from book titled “Ready-To-Wear Apparel Analysis” 3rd Ed. by Patty Brown and Janett Rice Chap.2 Pg 39 …”A knockoff is the copy or near copy of a design…. knockoffs rarely make a line-for-line copy….Instead they often….produce designs resembling the original….No law prohibits knocking off the general idea of a design, and such style piracy is a common and widely accepted practice….Most people in the fashion industry recognize that it is difficult…to protect designs. However, apparel designs that are patented or copyrighted are protected. Thus a knockoff that is an exact copy…is clearly illegal, although a knockoff that is substantially different….may be permitted….a patent…for example (is given for example, to produce)uniquely advanced athletic shoes….(a) copyright (on the other hand) must contain original “pictorial, graphic, or sculptural features”…separate(ly) from the article on which the design appears. For example, the particular floral design on a fabric, the beadwork pattern on an evening gown, or a picture of Disney’s Winnie the Pooh on a nightshirt are all copyrightable….designs screen printed or embroidered…are copyrighted. Many textile designs are also copyrighted, although using existing fabrics for “design inspiration” is a standard and accepted industry practice.


This comment is talking about the actual item, not the pattern used to make it. Designers of exclusive apparel, which is likely to be copied or ‘knocked off’, rarely if ever sell the patterns for their designs.
The comment is just adding more confusion to the mix.?

Terrie Krent
Terrie Krent

If I download a free pattern for a non clothing item (stuffed animal) to use in a class I teach and the pattern stipulates it is free for personal use only can I still use it as my students are the ones making it for their personal use? I am using it as a teaching tool and I am getting paid to teach. So my use is not personal but professional, although I’m not making the product, my students are. So is that legal.

Mayra Cecilia
Noble Member
Reply to  Terrie Krent

No it is not, you are using someone”s effort to benefit yourself. You need to seek permission from the designer in writing.

Reply to  Terrie Krent

You are using it professionally in that you are using the actual pattern itself as a tool or instrument of your commercial classes. The author/designer prohibits that. You must make substantial adjustments or write a letter to the designer asking for permission to use her design as a teaching tool.

Reply to  Terrie Krent

I did a sewing class that used a pattern and each student had to pay for their pattern. It does make sense since you are using the pattern, not the finish object.

Rachelle Gebhardt
Rachelle Gebhardt
Reply to  Softymel

As I understand it, the pattern is not copyrighted for the article you have made, just the pattern itself cannot be scanned and resold..this would be illegal.

Reply to  Terrie Krent

It’s a free pattern so that means anyone can download and print it for free. Your not charging the students for the pattern so I don’t see how this would be illegal. Also, as stated in the article, just because the pattern says for personal use only doesn’t mean anything by law.

Janine Cooper
Janine Cooper
Reply to  Terrie Krent

You could get around that problem by getting the students to download the pattern themselves, that way it will be for their personal use and you should be in the clear.

Suzanne W
Suzanne W

Thank you for this informative article. I do have a question about using licensed fabric, such as team fabric, Peanuts, Dr. Seuss, etc. The LSU flannel I purchased from a fabric store with the intent to make and sell baby blankets or other items would be legal, despite the warnings on the selvedges, because I did not enter into a contract with the manufacturer or designer or store, although I do need to state a disclaimer that my product is not an official college, nfl, or other licensed product. That is my understanding; is that correct?

Rachelle Gebhardt
Rachelle Gebhardt
Reply to  Suzanne W

With the legal disclaimer that was mentioned in above article…follow the link for how to do disclaimer.


Hello and thanks for the article. I am sewing a lot more now and want to sew clothes and start my own label. But getting into it I think I should start out sewing from patterns (Butterick, McCall, etc.). And I always wondered if I sew clothing from those patterns could I put my own clothes tag inside. From how you explain this, it seems I can.

Mayra Cecilia
Noble Member
Reply to  Jo

I would not use such patterns. If you want to be a fashion designer learn pattern making otherwise you are only being a seamstress which is fine but putting a label on it make it such that you are stealing intellectual property.


t’d like to thank you so much for this article. I’ve had this discussion citing several legal precedents and it always gets heated because designers do not want this to be true. They don’t understand that it is the pattern itself that is copyrighted.
I had a large yarn company steal one of my knitting designs and sell it as their own several years ago. They didn’t even take the time to change a single line of instruction, just the pictures. I am lucky enough to have a sister-in-law who is an intellectual property attorney so I could afford to sue and yes, I won. Most people are not that lucky and big companies rely on being about to steal and bully small fries like me.
I learned a lot. Hopefully more people will read this post and get a better understanding. They don’t have to like it, they just have to understand how this works.


When I sew for somebody I am not selling a pattern,I am selling a service I provided.

Reply to  pepperpat54

I agree with this wholeheartedly,…


What is the difference in how laws in the UK versus the US are applied to Americans? If a pattern is bought in the US but it originated from a book printed in the UK is there a difference in how the law is applied in the US? What is law in this case? I have read a number of posts and the consensus seems to be that if you make something from a purchased pattern, that the item you made can be sold. Does the UK/US issue come into play here? Are there differences in clothes vs stuffed animals? I purchased a pattern book in the US (originated in UK) that has a “disclaimer” about not selling items from the patterns in the “pattern” book. What would difference be in Copyright vs Trademark in the case of patterns for stuffed animals? Can each stuffed animal be trademarked and if so, how would I know. The book does not state that the items are trademarked – at least not as far as I have read. Thanks!

Ruth Singer Speary
Ruth Singer Speary
Reply to  Carol

I am not a lawyer but my husband has several registered trademarks. My understanding is a copyright is on something a person creates such as a pattern, a book, a song. It does not necessarily have to be registered to be enforced. However, if it came down to it that person would have to be able to prove they created it and when they created it. A trademark is a “name”, word or group of words that are used in “trade” or business. This would be things like Simplicity patterns, Coca Cola, Disney Productions. Additionally, those businesses may have other trademarks for individual products such as The Lion King or Sprite. Nobody else can use these trademarks to do business and trademark holders are required by law to defend the trademark by taking action against anyone trying to use them to make money.

Debbie Ward

I have lots of disney fabrics, some just prints but others are cut out and stuff type…is it going to be ok for me to sell items from these fabrics?

Lorrie Henry
Lorrie Henry
Reply to  Debbie Ward

According to this article and everything else I have been reading about using licensed fabric, yes you can. You are not bound by the copyright agreement between the trademark owner and the fabric manufacturer. And, if you are not representing your creation as the licensed item itself.


Does this also pertain to quilt patterns. So many make blocks that are the same or are so simular to others then. Some times I just want a reference as to the size. If or are the copyright laws differ to quilt patterns instead clothing patterns.

Rachelle Gebhardt
Rachelle Gebhardt
Reply to  Julia

Quilts are different I believe.


I used pieces of indie patterns, commercial patterns, and patterned from ready made items to create a costume. How many changes need to be made before I can call the pattern my own? Sleeves from this pattern, head piece with a few changes from a purchased item, collar drafted myself, body with a few changes from a commercial pattern. How many changes need to be made before I can call it my own pattern and sell the new pattern?

Crystal Neel
Crystal Neel

This is helpful but I am still confused about my business ideas being ok or not.
Basically I’d like to 1) design, make and sell clothing made from cut up pieces and parts of used garments. 2) use PRE-made patterns and pieces of pattens to create my designs to sell. 3) use PRE-made fabrics incorporated into the newly invented garments. At what point does the garment become my own design rightful having my own label? Do I need to give credits to all of the makers involved in the original garments & patterns or pattern pieces?
I would eliminate any logos or original garment tags…and if the newly invented garment has pieces of thrift shop garments as well as some new fabric components do I have to call it a ‘used’ garment?
Or can all of this be referenced in a general statement in my business description and be enough?
*I saw this concept done similarly by a knit making company who makes reinvented items from thrift shop sweaters.

Judy H
Judy H

Mayra, Thank you for this very enlightening information and all your time and efforts to research this issue.
I do have a question, what about embroidering Disney designs provided on Brother machines onto your homemade items, Or team logos?

Harriet D Cornett
Harriet D Cornett

I have seen these copyright fabrics and patterns and always wonder why would anyone try to copyright a raw material. Raw materials are materials used to make a finished product. This is like trying to place a copyright on flour. Who would buy flour to make another finished product to sell if they had to pay royalties? People who place, or attempt to place, a copyright on fabric or patterns are simply destroying their own sales and therefore their income. People will not buy their copyright product because they cannot use it for any of their own purposes.


Re: attribution

Why does it matter where you live? Surely the most important factor is where the designer lives? If the designer lives in a place that requires attribution, then that design was created under those laws with the expectation that attribution would be necessary, and therefore, wherever the user/purchaser comes from, those rules should still apply, right?

In a lot of cases, the ‘Terms of Sale’ or similar, that hardly anyone actually reads, often say something like “all disputes regarding this product will be governed by the laws of England and Wales”, in which case, if you tick that you did read it, then it is legally binding that you need to conform to those laws, including copyright laws.

But I would have expected that that’s the implied practice anyway, regardless of whether or not it’s explicitly stated, right?


Thank you for this informative post.

Years ago I downloaded a free sewing pattern for a bag and noted that permission was refused for resale of the completed.item. Not a problem for me as I was just going to make myself one and one for a gift for my mother. What I wasn’t expecting was for my mother to be hounded by by a “gentleman” at a craft show who angrily demanded to know where she got the bag from, who sold it to her etc. He wouldn’t accept her answer that it was made by her daughter as a gift. In the end she has to scream at him to stop harassing her or she would be calling the police. There was nothing mentioned about not being allowed to gift the finished item or for that matter not being allowed to use it in public.


Thanks for sharing this. Even though I always understood copyright to only protect the original article..not more, no less. If you bought a book, you could buy as many as you like and re-sell them anyway you wanted, but only “as is”. You can not take any part of that book however, in any way, and sell it or use it without permission and credit. Same with patterns I presume, it would be very disrespectful to take someone else’s work and push it as your own. Same with fabric design…you can not use that design and use it as your own in any way that makes money/profits. But it makes sense, that any creation from either the pattern and/or fabric is did not duplicate the pattern or design. You made ….. (fill in whatever you made). So if you bought a book, or many,and opened a business reading to people from these books, copyright would not be an issue at all. Hope that helps.


Thank you so much for this information. I have been quite nervous about selling my sewn products on Etsy and in person which are based off of patterns I’ve purchased over the internet. I feel alot more at ease now thanks again.


Thanks for the information! I have two questions. 1 Are you allowed to resize a pattern? For instance copy it and shrink or enlarge it. 2. I have used a baby shoe pattern where someone deconstructed a commercial shoe and make a pattern from it. Is that legal?


I have used a baby shoe pattern I found online where they took a pair of commercially made shoes and broke them apart and figured out how to make the shoes. Is it legal to make patterns from deconstructing commercially made items?


I wonder what are the legalities of using embroidery imagine of logos or characters. I highly doubt these were “licensed” by the original digitizer and might be trademarked. Thoughts?

Mayra Cecilia
Noble Member
Reply to  Alex

You need to purchase the license, companies that own a logo will sue you for copyright infringement.


Hi, thanks for this article!
Would you just clarify one thing for me please? I wish to start a company that designs and sells leggings but am in the early stages of playing around with designs etc ie/making them myself from either A-tracing from a pair of leggings I already have then altering the gusset aspect and waistband aspect and B- using a pattern I purchased online from Jalie whom I think are in Canada/US…. but also making alternations on this pattern to create the perfect gusset.

Their website states:


You can sell finished garments on a limited basis (if you make them yourself it’s ok. If you have to contract the sewing off or have a manufacture, then it’s not ok). We are always happy to make it possible for entrepreneurs to start home businesses using our patterns. What we ask is only a reference, an acknowledgement on your website or product listing (example: design by Jalie, based on a Jalie pattern).

So what happens if I alter the pattern then have it manufactured and start to sell- surely the manaufacter will draw up a new pattern making it my own intellectual property or is this not the case?

It’s all a bit of a dream idea at the minute but I need to start of on the right foot so any advice greatly appreciated!

Mayra Cecilia
Noble Member
Reply to  Bill

It is unethical to do what you are suggesting, so many tried and fail at copying what others do or ride on the back of someone’s effort.
I suggest you read the book fashion Incubator by Katheleen Fasanella it will shed some light on what it really takes to survive and succeed in the business of fashion.

Laura Bullinger
Laura Bullinger
Reply to  Mayra Cecilia

That book you suggested is outdated and follows the old garment industry standards which are not relevant in our day and age of individual crafters.

Reply to  Mayra Cecilia

Not at all unstbunet .this is exactly whTw happens at every haute couture and pret a porter show ..designs are knocked off and produced every day

Mayra Cecilia
Noble Member
Reply to  Tom

Indeed! That is why there are only 10 houses properly recognized as Haute Couture.


Thanks so much for this article!
I’ve been sewing professionally for nearly 40 years, and recently had an Etsy shop. After hearing all these myths, I was so afraid I’d get in trouble making things to sell there! Also, I have seen a multitude of illegal PDF patterns there, and did not want to “Go There”.
So, I have 2 questions:
1) I bought a ’70s knitted doll pattern. After re-writing the pattern for circular needles and style, can I sell the new pattern?
2) I make large size letter templates blown up many times from standard fonts. ( example, a 1/2″ letter expanded 400%, then 150%, then 125%) Then, the “rastorized” print-outs are corrected by hand, and I cut a new template.
Can I scan and sell PDF files of these ready-to-print letters for craft applications? Or am I violating some laws pertaining to the original designer of said font? Like ARIEL BLACK, etc?

Vickie Smith
Vickie Smith
Reply to  Karen

see if the font you want is open sourced.. some are totally fine to use and others are protected.

Jana Queen
Jana Queen

I purchased an apron pattern on Etsy intending to make and sell. I read through the item details and shop policies and found nothing that stated that I could not sell what I make. Upon received the pattern it does state that I cannot use the pattern to make and sell and I need contact them regarding their limited license agreement. Is this legal? I would not have spent the money on the pattern if this had been disclosed.

Mayra Cecilia
Noble Member
Reply to  Jana Queen

HI Jana, it is legal and you better get in touch with them. Perhaps it means you can not sell the pattern. Best to clarify that, if not there are so many free patterns out there.

Reply to  Mayra Cecilia

According to the article above, it is not legal. You both have to agree to those conditions before the sell for ir to be kwfal.

Margaret Gotcher
Margaret Gotcher
Reply to  Mayra Cecilia

I’m confused. I thought the article said it’s only legal if you agree to it *before* purchasing?

Martith K DuRel
Martith K DuRel
Reply to  Mayra Cecilia

You are incorrect. While it might be nice to get in touch with the maker of the pattern as per requested, it is not necessary legal to hide ‘requirements’ prior to making the purchase. (It is a deceptive practice in any country.)

Jana Queen, as has been mentioned. If the pattern contains ‘extra’ requirements that were not visible at the time of purchase, you cannot be held to them. They are non-binding in terms of a contract.

A lot of pattern authors strive to control every aspect of their pattern. There are a few US sellers who limit creation of products made by their pattern to X a year. Which, again, is illegal.

As I tend to tell people, “Once you buy the product, they cannot tell you what to do with it. You can burn it, sell it, bury it in the backyard.” The only thing you are not allowed to do with the pattern is sell or give away copies of the pattern. However the actual product… well the pattern creator has no rights on the product YOU labored to make.


I have created a starwars LEGO quilt. I would like to give the pattern away on my website. Would I be able to do that?

Reply to  Jeanniecat

Lego is old enough to be out of copyright, so no issue there — at least as it pertains to the basic bricks. I don’t think Star Wars is old enough. When I undertook a class on the basics of this (UK), the key word is “severable”. Can something be ‘severed’ from the original whilst remaining intact? A character is a perfect example of this: a character can be ‘severed’ from it’s original media (in this case a film) and remain together as a whole for the purpose of making merchandise, so therefore it is still subject to the same copyright as the film itself.

I don’t know if there has been a Lego Star Wars film. If there has, anything “severable” from that (including, I would say, any iconic scenes and not just any characters), is also protected.

Reply to  Katie

I don’t think LEGO is our of copyright yet. They won 2 suits in 2017. I’m not sure what the copyright date is but the company was formed in 1932. If you assume they copyrighted the LEGO logo in the same year, the copyright would be good for 95 years which means at least until 2027. LEGO is a Danish company so I’m not sure what they will have done in terms of US copyright but I would do a lot of research about this first.

Kathy Obarowski
Kathy Obarowski

If I buy and download a pattern in pdf and decide I don’t like it, can I give it away?


I have sold a PDF to get my money in return for a pattern I purchased but then didn’t like, but I would not sell copies of it, I know that selling copies is illegal. But to recoup my money, I HAVE resold to a close friend…never online however. I’ve sold to friends twice, but wonder now if that was illegal. But seems harmless to the seller, she got her sale, I’m just transferring it to a friend. Maybe that’s wrong though, idk.

Reply to  Kathy

It seems that if I sell Vintage Butterick patterns in my garage sale I don’t think there is a problem, so wouldn’t your issue be the same?


I do embroidery so if I buy an embroidery file that has let’s say a Mickey Mouse can I embroidery it onto fabric or a bag and sell it?

Reply to  So Sew Easy

Disney have fought hard and lost, but the original Mickey Mouse has been around for so long now that the copyright has expired. But, Mickey has also gone through several different iterations over the years, and it is only the oldest one that is now in the public domain. For other character designs, check the age on them and the extent to which copyright law protects them in the country in which they were created.

Nicole Ansell
Nicole Ansell
Reply to  So Sew Easy

Wouldn’t we be able to list the item for sale but make sure it states not a licensed product? or is it because Disney and large companies can afford to fight. I make baby clothes, so pants made of licensed fabric and matching embroidery on singlet.

Dora G Vasquez
Dora G Vasquez

If I buy a quilting pattern and templates, can I sell them after I am done making a quilt?


Thank you for the information. Can I use a pattern I purchase to teach a sewing class? I understand I can’t provide copies of the pattern to my students, but can I make copies of the written instructions for the kids to follow along with while in class (pictures are very helpful when teaching kids that have never sewn before)? I asked one pattern maker and she said each student had to have their own copy if I used it to teach.

Hanna Geshelin
Reply to  Gina

I think it is helpful when teaching if instead of simply copying directions you clarify them. Pattern instructions today are too brief for beginners! Then you would be using your own words anyway.

Chrissy Rufner
Chrissy Rufner

Hi. I am not sure if you have time to answer my question but before I start my project I was wondering If you could kindly answer mt below question because I am so confused about it and I want to make sure I don’t do anything I am not allowed to.
I want to make an item from old shirts/scrubs it would not be a shirt or clothing item. Can I do that and sell it? Since I did not make the shirts or patterns on the shirts but just want to cut them up and use them to make items that are not a clothing item.

Reply to  Chrissy Rufner

Yes you can because whatever you are making originated in your thoughts/mind. Therefore, it is an original design using previously used material. Doesn’t matter where the material came from. I am replying using the same info stated above in the article.