New $500 Giveaway from Open Worldwide! (well almost..)

spring summer wardrobeWell, you asked for it and we've worked with our friends at to deliver!

This new $500 shopping spree giveaway sponsored by is open to entrants in every country where ships –which is a pretty long list and covers all our top markets and then some.  (However, we certainly realize there are still some readers in a few countries who will not be able to participate and for that, we apologize in advance.)

If case you didn't know…

For those who don't know, is the world’s leading online fabric store.  Founded in 1993, focuses on bringing you a wide range of cotton print, home décor and apparel fabrics along with crafts and notions.  At any time their warehouse holds millions of yards of fabric.  Whether your needs run from denim to silk, linen to faux fur, velvet to shirtings, or anywhere in between, you’re sure to find what you need.  Remember, because is a subsidiary of, you get all the terrific pre- and post-sale customer service you'd expect from a merchant you can really trust.

So who can enter and win?

See the list of International Shipping destinations directly on  If they ship there, you can enter!

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What's the best way to actually win this contest?

For everyone participating in this giveaway, please remember that your best strategy is always to use the “Share with Friends for Extra Entries” feature to share this contest with your friends and family.  That way, you get an entry for every entry they make and it really turbo-charges your chances to win!  Do this early in the contest so you'll get this bonus for the duration.

Global $500 Giveaway

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Some flowy renaissance faire garb

Lauren D
Lauren D

This fabric is not really my style, but I like ITY for dress like Colette’s Wren and McCall 6884.


I would make a dress or skirt and possibly a pair of leggings for my little granddaughter.

Emma Squire
Emma Squire

Leggings, lots and lots of leggings.


I have a great top pattern for knits and I would definitely use that fabric. I have been using some lovely knit fabric from to make tops with this pattern.


I’d make some summer tops.




Like the idea of a simple swing skirt to be worn with a t shirt and sandles. Very bohemian look.

Cassie Scheppard
Cassie Scheppard

Maxi dress this calls to me

Mary Robertson
Mary Robertson

The choices are limitless

Michelle Schofield
Michelle Schofield

The print on this fabric really seems to lend itself to flow clothing, especially because it “drapes well”. I think a cute Spring circle skirt is in order! ?


I would make items for memorial give aways.


Something for a badtaste-party?


I don’t wear artificial fibers like polyester at all, so I could not make any item of clothing from this fabric. They’re also not really my colors, either, so I’m quite at a loss as to what I could make from this. Maybe if I were invited to a bad taste party, I’d make leggins from this fabric.

Annie Caton

I’d make pajamas.


I think your contest is confusing and hard to figure out how to enter.


I’d donate it to my quild to make camp quilts, wheelchair bags, pillowcases etc… Our focus is on charitable quilting.

Renee Hayden
Renee Hayden

I think I would make some loose fitting shirts.


It’d become a relaxing summer dress – easy to pack for travel & soft, comforting feel against skin. It could even double as pajamas.

Katherine Anderson
Katherine Anderson

I would make a T-Shirt dress. I think this is a beautiful fabric and it bridges the seasons between fall and summer. This fabric would be very comfortable for me because I live in the southern part of the united states.


Yoga pants!!!


A shift dress I think

Andrea Letourneau
Andrea Letourneau

I’d make a tankini from that fabric

Kara Sue

If it’s stretch I think it would make great shirts,

Lisa Habinowski
Lisa Habinowski

I need pants to lounge around in!


I think I’d make a wrap style dress.

Brenda D Smith
Brenda D Smith

I would make a long skirt. I love this print. If there is any left over, I would love to make something for my granddaughter.

Chanova Alcala Mabry
Chanova Alcala Mabry

I would make everything from quilts to handbags stuffed animals. I would love fabric. I can safely say I’m addicted to fabric. If I was to win this I think I would buy fabric that would be out of my box out of my Realm. I’m usually afraid of big patterns or electric designs and I tend to stick with children’s fabric I think I would go more eccentric

Diane D.
Diane D.

Probably make a skirt….haven’t sewn clothes in ages – just quilts! LOL!

Jessica Isaacs
Jessica Isaacs

I would LOVE to make clothes for my daughter!

Andi S
Andi S

I would make a comfy summer dress with that beautiful bright fabric!

Anita M
Anita M

Perhaps an infinity scarf – I’m a bit short to pull off such a large print in anything else. 🙂

Laura Dawn

I would make a fun skirt or possibly a fun, flirty summer dress


I would make a baby carrier cover/breast feeding cover-up . It would be so bright and cheery

Genea S
Genea S

What wouldn’t I make. Some tops for summer, quilts, bags, etc. etc.


Worldwide? How did you do it?

Erin K
Erin K

I would make a moneta dress!


Definitely a dress.

Kate B.
Kate B.

Beautiful fabric. I’d make a loose fitting, long dress. And maybe some pillows.

Gretchen Jaspering

This is a really fun fabric. I think I’d make a maxi skirt with it.

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