Why I made a bag from someone else’s pattern


Have you ever heard of Pattern Parcel?  Until recently I hadn't either but then several blogs I followed promoted a recent ‘pattern parcel' and I clicked through to find out more – I'm so nosy!

Here's what they say about themselves:

“Here at Perfect Pattern Parcel it is our mission is to offer high-quality pdf sewing patterns written by independent designers while supporting charity. We go about this in a unique way, by allowing the customers to choose  their own price in supporting the designers included in the Parcel. In addition to determining the total sales price, each customer purchasing the Parcel is able to allocate how much of their price goes to the designers, the company, and to the charity, DonorsChoose.org. As a company we cover the costs of web hosting, design and payment processing fees from our allocated position, then we donate our remaining earnings to the charity as well. 

Support Children's Education: Donors Choose is an organization that matches up the needs of teachers and their students for specific projects with willing donors. The funds raised from each Pattern Parcel sale will go to help K-12 students in minimizing educational inequality and encourage a community where children have the tools and experiences necessary for an excellent education. From pencils for poetry to microscopes for mitochondria, your support will help address educational inequality and grow generations to come. To date, you've helped us raise over $13,000! “

Pattern Parcel #7: Choose your own price and support DonorsChoose. Win/win
So you can buy a Parcel of Patterns at a price that you choose, depending on what you can afford and how much you want to give to charity.  You choose the split between the designers and the charity.  The only advertising they get is from bloggers making up the patterns and promoting them, so I signed up to help them promote and I sewed a bag from someone else's pattern!

Pattern Parcel #7 is bags:

You can of course also buy any of the bag patterns individually from the designers direct, at full price.

Pattern Parcel 7 – The Evelyn Bag


I sewed the Evelyn Bag from Chris W Designs.  It's a nice looking bag, but does take some experience and patience to sew.  It took me most of the day and of course much of that is cutting and pressing. I used a home decor fabric and a very light weight interfacing as recommended, and still my cheap machine couldn't cope with some of the thick layers.  This pattern also has just a 1/4 inch seam allowance, and it gave me a few problems in the thicker areas.


One area in particular was the very front piece where the center front ring is – when turning the bag right side out near the end, I pulled on this piece I had sewn into the seam earlier – and pulled it right out!  The thick layers must have shifted and this piece was barely caught – and then when I gave it a good tug it wasn't caught at all which is why mine looks a little different to the pattern picture.  I had to sew mine back on the outside – totally my fault.


But the Pattern Parcel contains bags suitable for all levels of experience and in all different styles.

So if you are in the market for making some bags and looking to buy some patterns, you can purchase this Pattern Parcel at a price of your choosing, get a great deal on the patterns and support charity at the same time.


The Pattern Parcel deal for all of the patterns is now closed, but you can buy the Evelyn Bag direct from Chris W Designs HERE.

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Diane Cullum
Diane Cullum

Hey, that’s the fabric you are holding in the picture of you in the fabric shop in NC! That was quick and looks like a bought bag! Great work Deby!


Your bag is beautiful. I’m a tester for Christine and love all her patterns.


Really nice bag Deby! The fabric works well and I’m impressed with how nicely you managed to make it look even with your so-called “cheap” machine.

Christine Welsh

GREAT job, Deby….despite your mishap! :0 LOVE IT! 🙂


Deby, your bag is just gorgeous. I seriously love that fabric!

Jennifer Hill

THANK YOU!! Just purchased! What great value. Jen


Your Evelyn bag is beautiful Deby! I have made a couple of these (one for a gift) and I love it.