Hi! Stephanie from Swoodson Says again; this time I'm sharing a perfect teacher or neighbor gift with a festive tissue box cover tutorial. “Christmas tissue box cover” can conjure up mental images of large Santas and sequins but I lean towards a more modern aesthetic. This will be the first season I'm blogging any holiday projects; last year I waited too long to make them, let alone share them! In addition to more tissue box covers, I will be sewing several toy superhero capes & softies this year.
I used a standard, vertical Kleenex brand box (sides measuring ‘4.5″ X 5.25″‘ and top measuring ‘4.5″ X 4.5″‘) so just measure your box if it's a different brand and add on accordingly.
- Wonder Under
- 1 package White Ric Rac
- 1/4 yard red cotton fabric
- Green cotton fabric scraps
- 1/2 yard medium-weight fusible interfacing
- Ruler
- Marking pen/pencil
- Iron
- The pattern download
You can download the templates used in this project from Payhip, or simply design your own.
How to sew your Modern Christmas Tissue Box Cover Pattern
1. Print out the template and tape to a window or a light-box, with the Wonder Under on top, smooth side up. Trace your desired number of tree shapes; I used a large & smaller tree on each side.
2. Roughly cut around each tree and iron on to the wrong side of the green fabric scraps.
3. Cut out the interfacing to the following dimensions: ( 4 side pieces 6.75″ X 5.5″, 1 top piece 5.5″ X 5.5″). Iron on to the wrong side of the red base fabric.
4. Use a scissors or rotary cutter to trim carefully to the lines.
5. On each side piece, trace two lines along the short end, the first 1 inch from the bottom and then another 1/2 inch above the first line. Finger press the raw edge up to the first line, wrong sides together.
6. Fold the bottom up to the final line, press.
7. Flip it over and use a marking utensil to draw a line 1 inch above the new, folded hem. This should be covered by the ric rac eventually, but you can use a disappearing pen to be safe.
8. Trim the trees along the traced lines, and peel the paper backing off. Lay your ric-rac over the center of the line for placement, and then position the trees. Be sure to give at least .5″ clearance from each side, where the side seams will meet. Iron trees on.
9. Cut out the circle and trace on to the top piece.
10. Stitch slowly, with a short length, and center the ric-rac around the circle, until you've sewn it completely around.
11. This doesn't have to be perfect! You will be flipping it under – so use a coordinating thread color with your fabric.
12. Flip to the other side and trim carefully, 1/8″ away from the stitching line and avoiding the ric-rac points.
13. Flip the ric-rac to the back, and use an iron to press and flatten.
14. Carefully sew right along the edge of the opening, tacking the ric-rac down.
15. Use a decorative zig-zag around the edges of each tree.
16. Fold hem down and put side panels right sides together and sew with 1/2″seam allowance, stopping a few stitches from the top.
17. Once all four panels have been sewn together, press the seams open. Fold the hem back up, to its original position.
18. Flip to the right side and sew 1/2 inch up from the hem.
19. Turn the cover inside out and place the top piece right sides together and sew with 1/2″ seam allowance to each side's edge.
20. You will be starting and stopping a few stitches from each end, just like you did on the side seams.
21. & 22. This is what the corners should look like. You can trim the corners off inside the stitching lines once you have turned them right side out to check for alignment. This will reduce bulk and make the corners pointier. Press all seams.
23. Turn right side out and sew your ric-rac border on, covering up the initial line you drew!
There you have it! A festive tissue box cover without the kitsch.

Where can I find the template! Ready to start making Christmas presents!
I am going to try it! Thank you!
Love the simplicity of this design!!!
That is adorable!
Eine sehr schöne Handarbeit ! Danke für die gute Anleitung ! Ich werde es nachnähen. I like it !
Kind regards Käthe
Cute!! I’ve got a Craft Gossip post scheduled for later this morning that links to your tutorial: