New $500 Shopping Spree Giveaway from Bigger and Better in 2017!

shopping spree giveaway

Our friends at subsidiary,, have stepped up again to kick off 2017 with an even bigger and better giveaway.  They were so impressed by the support our readers gave for their $250 Shopping Spree Giveaway that ran late last year, that they have DOUBLED the giveaway prize and are now offering a $500 shopping spree to the lucky winner!

A little about our sponsor

For those who don't know, is the world’s leading online fabric store.  Founded in 1993, focuses on bringing you a wide range of cotton print, home décor and apparel fabrics along with crafts and notions.  At any time their warehouse holds millions of yards of fabric.  Whether your needs run from denim to silk, linen to faux fur, velvet to shirtings, or anywhere in between, you’re sure to find what you need.  Remember, because is a subsidiary of, you get all the terrific pre- and post-sale customer service you'd expect from a merchant you can really trust.

shopping spree giveaway

Unfortunately, however, there is one small catch..

This giveaway is only open to US residents.  I know, I know, that's really not fair to all our readers outside the US, but because of the very large size of the prize, it opens up all kinds of tax and legal considerations for a large company like  This is just the reality of business these days. have promised to work with their legal team and do everything possible to make future giveaways available worldwide, but for this one, our hands are tied.

But what about for the readers outside the US???

If you're outside the US, we plan offer an international giveaway of some Best of the Bags Pattern Bundles starting in the coming days so stay tuned for that.  While the value is a little lower, we'll give away a total of 10 prizes so the odds of winning will be better.

What's the best way to enter and win this contest?

For everyone participating in this giveaway, please remember that your best strategy is always to use the “Share with Friends for Extra Entries” feature to share this contest with your friends and family.  That way, you get an entry for every entry they make and it really turbo-charges your chances to win!  Do this early in the contest so you'll get this bonus for the duration.  Patricia B who won the giveaway last year won by doing this exact strategy.  Give it a try!

New $500 Shopping Spree Giveaway from

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The options are endless, as another posted. Girls dresses, bags, dog harnesses & coats, quilts…. Thanks for the opportunity!

Erin R.
Erin R.

Quilts, quilts!


I hae a couple of bag patterns that I’ve been wanting to make, I know I could find the perfect fabric for them at

Farrah Dawley
Farrah Dawley

I can see this fabric as a fabulous back to a quilt!!!


Win fabric? a New quilt.

Twyla Johnson
Twyla Johnson

Love to have more fabric and thanks for the opportunity with this giveaway!

Michelle C Faustermann
Michelle C Faustermann

This would be awesome. I have a new grandson to sew for.


This might work with one of the Craftsy quilting classes I’ve signed up for… either Painted Pictorial or Linear Landscape Quilts.

Patti G
Patti G

Love free fabric, thanks

amy mayer
amy mayer

This would make a stunning tunic or classic button down shirt paired with white jeans

Mary Robertson
Mary Robertson

I love the more the better!


My goal for 2017 is to return to garment sewing. Have been mostly doing quilts the past few years and would like to sew for myself and family again. This prize would certainly help.


great give away! I see a dress for my grand daughter with the Kaufman fabric

Marsha N
Marsha N

I would make higher quality clothes and share some fabric with a sewing friend.


So many eye catching fabrics for home decor and quilting. THE place to shop


I think this would make a super background for Carol Ann Waugh’s Stupendous Stitchng method!


Oh God, SO. MANY. possibilities with all the fabric I could buy!
The North American Wildlife Abstract Ocean Fabric is perfect for a shower curtain.

Becky Brown

I could make a really pretty baby blanket with that abstract ocean fabric…btw is this the blog we’re supposed to comment on for the entry?? That was super confusing!


I’m losing weight and will need to make a new wardrobe. And I also need fabric for all my charity projects, but wishing everyone good luck!!!

Dianna Wassell
Dianna Wassell

I want to try a whole cloth quilt. Some beautiful linen would be great!


Thank you for the wonderful contest!


This fabric would be perfect for a stained glass nativity project I am planning.

Karen Caron (Karensquared)

Wow, what a great prize!

Ma Ro
Ma Ro

I think this fabric would make beautiful pillow cases!

Mrs. Sews Alot
Mrs. Sews Alot

Talk about amazing giveaway! I would make mens garments, womens, and children garments. Also a few baby accessories!!! The possibilities are endless!

Jill Plack

It would be a great fabric for a watercolor quilt.

Shirley Elfstrom
Shirley Elfstrom

I’d name it turbulant ocean.. lovely fabric…

Cheryl Markstahler
Cheryl Markstahler

That fabric would make anything beachy–quilt blocks or backs, sundresses, pillows and much much more!

Michele Campa

would make a baby romper and a circle skirt for my girls.

Helen Y
Helen Y

Beautiful fabric. I would make a skirt.

Cara G
Cara G

I love this fabric! I would make a new beach bag. 🙂


I would love to win this! What better way to start the new year!!

Cindy D.
Cindy D.

I would get quilt fabric, wanting to make quilts for kids for Christmas, see how many I can get done by December.


Perfect way to build a stash for my memade 2017 wardrobe.

Janie M
Janie M

I would make a large lap sized quilt. Thank you for the tutorials and the amazing giveaways!

Stephanie Woods
Stephanie Woods

Fabric !!! I’m excited


I see lots of quilts in the future!


My mind is just spinning with all of the possibilities to use this beautiful fabric! Thank you for the opportunity to win this wonderful Shopping Spree.


I love Fabric!!! The more fabric the better:)

Barb E.
Barb E.

This is a great contest