I'm just so excited to be sewing for my 3 friends who are all expecting. Gives me a chance to knock out lots of small projects from time to time, and take a break from some of the larger projects, pattern designing, and fitting issues that clothes sewing gives me.
I was pestering one of the moms-to-be – what can I sew you, what do you really need, or don't have enough of, or really used a lot first time round. Wait a minute she said and came back with – a rag. Er, what is that and what did you use it for? Apparently, it's a burp cloth – something new to me, but she explained she used cloths like this ALL the time and everywhere for mopping up spills, mopping up babies and toddlers, mopping up baby sick, wiping runny noses, mopping up food, etc etc. And when nursing, she explained the proper use of draping the ‘rag' over your shoulder while burping baby in case of any up-chuck down your back and clothes. Nice thought.

So you want me to make you some like this. Yes – exactly like this, except:
- a bit wider
- not so long
- shaped so they sit better on the shoulder
- thicker
- without the binding
- and in nice pretty fabrics
Right, so exactly like that one, but completely different. I get it. And she wants lots of them. OK. I switched to production line mode and sewed up a bunch. And they are pretty neat and pretty quick to sew.
How to sew the perfect baby burp cloth pattern – fast!
You will need (to make 3):
- fat quarter of nice cotton (baby style or something nicer for mom)
- fat quarter of terry toweling fabric or a cheap towel
- the pattern – download below (sized to fit 3 on a FQ)
- about 10 minutes

You can download the pattern and instructions for the Perfect Baby Burp Cloth from my design account at Payhip. It's a PDF file containing both instructions and pattern all in the same file. Enjoy!
I'll be making 3 at once to save time so I can sew up a nice big bundle of these for each of the moms.
Watch me make them production line style
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I made all these, including stopping to make the video, in about an hour. I'll make up similar bundles for the other two moms.

I'm rather keen on these myself. I don't think a baby will be coming our way, but these would be perfect cleaning cloths. Really hard wearing, a scrubby absorbent side and a lint-free smoother side for windows and mirrors. Good to keep in the car too. Then throw them in the washer, again and again. Very eco-friendly. You could omit the shaping and make them square for cleaning.

You can download the pattern and instructions for the Perfect Baby Burp Cloth from my design account at Payhip. It's a PDF file containing both instructions and pattern all in the same file. Enjoy!
Want more ideas for things you can sew for babies or for baby shower gifts? I've got lots of fun and easy ideas. Check out some more ideas here:

Thank you!!!! I bought your pattern. I love it! I’ll be making some for my new Grandson this weekend.
I have been making these burp cloths for a very long time. We have a B.A.B.E. (Beds and Britches, etc) Store that I love sewing these for. Clients receive vouchers for complying with prenatal appoints, well baby check-ups, and through other various agencies. I also get requests from time to time to make burp cloths for people to give for baby shower gifts. These burp cloths are a big hit. I use cotton on one side and flannel on the other.
hi, I don’t have access to Terry cloth or old towels. what do you recommend to use instead?
You can order online to have delivered (like from Joanns). You really don’t need much Or go to dollar general or dollar tree and get a couple of hand towels to use. If you dont find any without a pattern, just put the pattern on the inside of the burp cloth and the underside of towel/plain white, will be on the outside! But I suggest you could use if you have a couple wash clothes even, sewn together to make longer? Or even an old sweat shirt? Or fleece shirt? Just think of anything you could use. If it comes down to not having anything else, I would just use cotton on the other side to. Good luck!
This looks like a nice simple baby gift that any new parent would love, use and appreciate! TFS.
I made some for my daughter’s friends and it was a hit. And I am going to use the production line for bandana bibs. Thank you for sharing. Kind regards, Caroline
Bluprint doesn’t seem to be working. First it wouldn’t let me sign up (had to do it through facebook), and now it won’t let me add the pattern to my cart :'(
OMG! These will be perfect for when my “baby”, Archie the galah, and I go visiting friends. No more mess on my clothes, yay!
Thank you for your time and effort!
You are brilliant! My mouth is still hanging open, I think my whole life just got a bit easier! Thank you for the tutorial <3
I love these! But what is production line mode?
Hi Renee, it means like in a factory as I was making many of them at once.
watch the video – it shows you
What are the approximate dimensions of the finished burp cloth? I printed the template and I think I have to adjust the zoom on my computer before printing because the two pieces that printed seem smaller than what is shown in the video. Thanks!
Hi Angelina, You can not change the pattern size at all, please print using Actual Size only, that way the pattern will not be scale.
How can I get this pattern and not have to sign up with bluprint?
I’m always looking for tips for production sewing and this was perfect!!! Thank you so much!!
Most welcome, Lynne, how is your sewing space this days? Back in 2017 you said you were moving.
If you weren’t trying to fit 3 on a fat quarter, what size would you make? You said your friend said they should be bigger than her sample.
Kudos for coming up with your own! There is a huge is huge yellow box with black letters that says “Download the Perfect Baby Burp Cloth pattern”. Inside the yellow box there is an orange button with white letters “Pattern Download” Perhaps you missed it.
Hello! I also couldn’t figure out how to download it. Once I got to Crafty it wouldn’t let me add the pattern to my cart. It just kept kicking me out. Is there anywhere else this pattern is available?
Hi Courtney, what site are you using? Is it Blueprint?
Really enjoyed the video. Just had a couple of questions. How big is your fat quarter? American Using yards or Canadian using meters? My printer doesn’t seem to size my printing properly even when I select actual size or 100% so unless I have a inch cube or a measured line on the pattern to compare it to< I am never sure if I am getting the correct sizing for the pattern. What should the over all dimensions be for the burp cloth? (L x W)
Same here. When pieced together pattern as directed it only measures 16×7 which seems to be about 2” too small compared to other patterns
I was looking for ideas to make something fun for my grandson and found this free pattern. So excited to make these for my granddaughter (his soon to be little sister) who will be arriving next month!
I have 3 family babies due before the first of the year and I just made 12 in no time with leftover baby soft minky, terry cloth, and flannel pieces. So easy and so cute.
I can’t wait to start assembling and sewing for my soon-to-be-born Grandson. My questions is…do I need to prewash the terry cloth fabric I bought.
I would Kathleen, specially if it is for a gift.
Thank you! The pattern worked out perfectly 🙂
I was wondering if you pre-washed any of your fabrics?
HI Kathleen, as a rule I do because of the shrinkage and to judge the quality of the print. IF it is an item for a child I always wash it. If it is supposed to be dry cleaned as in felted wool or heavy woven fabric I do not. IF you make items for sale you should specify whether you have or haven’t washed the fabric prior to making the garment.
Hello. I have a question. I watched the burp cloth tut a few times. I didn’t notice nor do I recall seeing–is your fabric FOLDED or straight with no fold (meaning, when you laid the pieces onto the fabric?, I know terry cloth is under. I am not using fat quarters for the first set, however, I purchased some today and plan on using them as I move forward. Thanks so much.
Hi, is the Minky absorbent enough for a burp cloth ? I need to make some for my daughter xx
Thanks for making this video and designing a great item! I’ve made several of these for shower gifts, along with a boxy bag to put them in. Fun and useful. Cheers.
Hi Sandy, thanks for the feedback. Stay tuned for a baby swaddle pattern in the coming weeks that might make a similarly nice gift if your friends have babies.
Best Baby Burp Cloth pattern ever!!! I love that you can make them reversible. I volunteer for 3 different charities and have made at least 200 of these in the last 6 months to match up with a newborn/toddler quilts. They are a big hit…Thank you very much for sharing.
Karen Batt
You are welcome! Is is a pleasure that our free patterns are put to such a great cause. I admire you for your contribution to society. Do send us a picture so I can add you to an article I am writing featuring people that use our pattern of a good cause. Thank you Karen.
I would like to thank you so much for such an easy pattern!
I spent a few afternoons earlier in the Spring and made a dozen and a half of these before my daughter was born (June 17) and they’ve proven to be indispensable over the last 8 weeks… we’ve been using them primarily as burp cloths but have also used them as impromptu bibs and a “catch all” liner under her head when Baby is sleeping.
Thanks again!
i love this pattern! it was really easy to sew and it took me no time once i decided the colors i wanted to use (haha this was the hardest part of all!)
Thank you for this pattern! my baby is due in november and I’m pretty sure we will be using this ALL the time
Hei,hei fra Norge. Så mye fint og morsomt du lager:-). Jeg vil gjerne sy disse klutene til en god venn som har fått et lite gull denne mnd. Men jeg er ukjent med deres mål, da vi bruker meter og cm. og jeg må ut å kjøpe stoff. Kan du si meg hvor mange cm ett FQ er? Tusen takk for all fin inspirasjon og gode forklaringer.
Hi again, FQ stands for “fat quarter”. A Fat Quarter is mostly used in America and less commonly in Europe although I have seen the term in Asia. A Fat Quarter is originally a piece of fabric of a half yard by half the width of the fabric. In most fabrics, this size are usually 50 cm x approximately 55-56 cm, but there are also 50cm x 75cm possible, depending on the original fabric width. Hope that helps and kind regards.
Can you give measurements? I looked at my fat quarter and going by measurements of another tutorial, I don’t know how 3 would fit, I can barely squeeze 2 by their way. Help?
Hi Silvia, to make your live easier could you please download the pattern form the website? It is free.
Regards, Mayra
You are flipping brilliant. Thanks so much. I needed something to round out a baby gift basket.
I love this pattern!! And you did a great job in the video, super easy to understand and follow along. Thank you so much!
I downloaded the burp cloth pattern/instructions (actually 4 times) and have yet to find the link to print the actual pattern
Hi Carol, that’s very strange. I’ve checked everything and all seems to be working fine. The link on the article goes to our shop on Craftsy. You probably have to register there to download but the downloadable instructions have the pattern on pages 4 and 5 of the PDF. If you have the instructions, you definitely have the patterns. Please have a look again and let me know if you’re still having problems.
I love this pattern and the video is super helpful. I made some of these last night for my new grand niece and am surprised at how small they are. Does any one else feel they are small?
Yes, tat was my first thought. We can make them bigger.