Get Well Soon tissue box cover pattern

Nice idea.  Get well soon tissue box cover with pocket for your chap stick, cough drops etcHi! Stephanie from Swoodson Says again; if you've already made your modern holiday tissue box cover and are looking for a New Year's replacement, get ready! I invariably find myself sick each January after all the Christmas gatherings and what better way to suffer through a cold than with a cheery tissue box. It has a shallow pocket to hold tea, chapstick, or some cough drops. I think this would also make a nice ‘new neighbor gift' – maybe pair it with a set of cheery kitchen scrubbers!

I used a standard, vertical Kleenex brand box (sides measuring ’4.5″ X 5.25″‘ and top measuring ’4.5″ X 4.5″‘) so just measure your box if it’s a different brand and add on accordingly.


  • 1/2 yard cotton fabric
  • 4.5″ of 1/4″ wide elastic
  • 1/2 yard medium-weight, one-sided fusible interfacing
  • Ruler
  • Marking pen/pencil
  • Iron
  • Bodkin or safety pin

 To sew the Get Well Soon tissue box cover pattern

steps 1 4

1. First we're going to make the pocket. Cut a rectangle of fabric 5.5″ X 4″ and press a scant 1/4″ hem up. You can see how shallow my pocket is (I like it that way so I don't lose anything!) but if you'd like a taller pocket, adjust the second measurement (4″) to be longer.

2. Press another 3/8″ up, to make a casing for the elastic. Sew along the bottom edge.

3. Hook the end of your elastic to the bodkin or safety pin and thread through, sewing securely on the loose end.

4. Pull the safety pin or bodkin taut so that the other end of the elastic is just visible outside the casing and stitch right inside, securely attaching it. Trim both elastic ends so they are flush with the fabric. Cut out the interfacing to the following dimensions: ( 4 side pieces 6.75″ X 5.5″, 1 top piece 5.5″ X 5.5″). Iron on to the wrong side of the cotton fabric. Use a scissors or rotary cutter to trim carefully to the lines. Cut an additional top piece without interfacing, 5.5″ X 5.5″.

steps 5-8

5. Align the pocket with one of the interfaced side pieces and baste around all three raw edges so it's secure, stretching the elastic to fit.

6. Layer the un-interfaced top piece facing right side down on top of the interfaced top piece which is right side up. Draw a rectangle 3.5″ X 2″ on top.

7. Sew along the rectangle, keeping all layers aligned.

8. Carefully trim along each edge, making sure to clip as close to the corners as possible without cutting through the stitching.

PicMonkey Collage

9.Pull the un-interfaced layer down through the opening and press firmly, so that the interfaced top lays flat and pretty. Topstitch around the opening, if desired.

10. On each side piece, trace two lines along the short end, the first 1 inch from the bottom and then another 1/2 inch above the first line. Finger press the raw edge up to the first line, wrong sides together. Fold the bottom up to the final line, press.

11. Fold hem down and put side panels right sides together and sew with 1/2″seam allowance, stopping a few stitches from the top.

12. Press all seams open, and then turn the hem back up and press. Stitch the hem into place.

13 14

13. With right sides together, place the top piece inside of the tube and  sew with 1/2″ seam allowance to each side’s edge. This is what the corners should look like.

14. You can trim the corners off inside the stitching lines once you have turned them right side out to check for alignment. This will reduce bulk and make the corners pointier. Press all seams. Turn right side out, stuff the pocket and enjoy!

Nice idea.  Get well soon tissue box cover with pocket for your chap stick, cough drops etc

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I'm Stephanie and I blog at about sewing and crafts for myself & my toddler son. I love upcycling, using up scraps,  and having the freedom to make what I can't find or afford in stores. I spend way too much time online - you can connect with me on twitter/pinterest/facebook/instagram !


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Jackie Hargett
Jackie Hargett

I can’t find the download pattern. Can someone help me please.

Mayra Cecilia
Noble Member
Reply to  Jackie Hargett

In the second paragraph and before the materials are the dimensions of the box used to make this pattern. You have to trace your won there is no download button.


This is an awesome way to help the sick. Jesus told us to help the sick, and the poor.


Perfect timing Stephanie! Hub & I were just talking about covers to keep the “tissue dust” from going everywhere but I don’t necessarily enjoy the look of the antiquated “plastic canvas” tissue box covers!! I also LOVE the pocket & idea of gifting for someone ill!! Thanks you SEW much for the tutorial!!!

Pam @Threading My Way
Pam @Threading My Way

The pocket at the side is a fabulous idea.

