Christmas stockings patterns, simple and super!

The best free patterns for all sorts, shapes and sizes of Christmas Stockings

I thought Christmas stockings were simple red felt things to hang over the fire. Turns out I was wrong. As usual I was astounded by the creative ways you have been jazzing up your stockings. You really have to scroll through these pictures, just to appreciate the sheer genius, and find some inspiration to brighten up your fireside!

There is a stocking here for everyone. Some are simple and fast to make, easy to put together with children, and some designs, such as the white poinsettia stocking are so stunning, and might take a bit longer to put together. Have a bit of fun with your stockings, using the elf design, for a bit of a change! I also really like those little stockings that make great little gift parcels.

If you're still not convinced and don't have a penny to spare, consider ‘upcycling'… that's right, you can take an old sweater or even a shabby pair of jeans and transform them into stockings fit to be stuffed full of presents. Make sure you make your stockings big enough to fit everything in!!

Follow these super tutorials to get inspired and make your best stocking yet. Start a new family tradition, decorate your home, there's so many reasons to have a good look through these super Christmas stockings.

The best free Christmas Stockings Patterns

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Primrose Bohne
Primrose Bohne

You put in a LOT of work to round up all these lovely patterns, etc. Bless ya.

Amy Elliott
Amy Elliott

Awesome! Thanks, Deby!

Jann Newton

Deby, thanks for including my stockings in your round-up!